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Aliens scientific name

Forum: AvP Universe
Everything that makes up the worlds of Aliens, Marines and Predators.
Topic: Aliens scientific name
Total Posts: 6

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In the comic Aliens vs Predator vs Terminator they call the aliens by their genus and species, Linguafoeda Acheronsis. Now the second part, the species name, is obviously reffering to Acheron (LV-426). However, the first part, the genus name, does not mean anything to me. Does anyone know what it means, and what significance it has? It's probably latin, so anyone who knows latin might be able to help.

Rank: 8
Posts: 1212

So BlackCat in which one of the AvPvT comics is it I have number one and I don't remember hearing anything about the aliens genus so it must be in one of the others.

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The Linguafoeda roughly translates to "tongue food", which is obviously a refernce to the Alien's inner jaw. This does mean that instead of the "second jaw" theory, that the second set of jaws are actually a form of barbed tongue, and cannot swallow.

The Archeron is also the name of a river in Hades (the greek afterlife and underworld), though I'm sure you're correct in the assumptiont hat they are named after the planet on which they were first discovered.

The name is indeed latin. And Cliff, it does appear in muber one...Call says it at the beginning, and Ripley 8 says it again at the end of the comic.

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It is in the top panel of the second-to-last page of AvPvT 1 (of the actual comic). It is said by Ripley as she looks at soom weird creature in a tube, just before they meet the new alien/terminator hybrid.

You can also find it on page 2 of Aliens: Apocalypse the Destroying Angels 3

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I must have lost all ability to read because if found it. They say "...and that this involves the harvested DNA of Linguafoeda Acheronsis..." when they show Trollenberg in his lab.

Rank: 8
Posts: 241

It's also mentioned in Havoc.

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