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Games for the youngsters

Forum: Game Talk
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Topic: Games for the youngsters
Total Posts: 4

Rank: 9
Posts: 896

As my nieces are now between the ages of 3 & 5, my girlfriends nephew is now 5 years; what games would you recommend for that age group?

Rank: 0
Posts: 69

The classics, of course. A good game to start with would be Super Mario: it's simple yet fun and also supports cooperative play which could help in building up certain social graces (like being a good sport or giving up one's turn).

Rank: 9
Posts: 896

Socail skills.... it normally descends into arguments about who is or who is not cheating... how can you be so far ahead.. not the bullit power-up again... ;)

Super Mario Kart is always the top pick, everytime I go and visit my mate in Windsor, we alwas get it out and see who is the top dog :D

Rank: 0
Posts: 69

Haha, even an argument spurred on by a friendly rivalry that's gotten a bit heated can improve social skills. The ability to effectively argue one's point, or, failing that, convincingly bullshit one's point, should not be taken lightly :P


Awesome that you still keep in touch with your buddy. Even with the world so connected these days, it's still way too easy to simply lose touch. A day becomes a week, then a month, then a year, etc.

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