Absolute Gamerz

New Poll

Forum: AvP Universe
Everything that makes up the worlds of Aliens, Marines and Predators.
Topic: New Poll
Total Posts: 24

Rank: 0
Posts: 541

I have an idea:

What is you favorite name for the Aliens: Alien, Xenomorph, Xeno, Bug, or Hard Meat.

Rank: 0
Posts: 71

what do u hate in mp... neewbies, hackers, lag, spammers, whiners, campers, trackers or too good players.... hehheh and thx alien lord new species i appreciate what u just said..

Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

i try not to take credit for other peoples ideas. i believe that what goes around comes around. so if i didnt give you credit for it then somebody would take one of my ideas and take credit themselves.

keep the ideas coming. thats a pretty cool idea on the names.
and then that "what you hate about MP" should be good topics both of them.

Rank: 0
Posts: 71

what mission is the best in sp.... who is the most irritating character in sp...the best hair look!!!!!!!easiest character to play in both mp and sp.. thats all i can get for now...(my head is empty)

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