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RP: Gladiators Moon... Contents may be graphic and over 18 in nature...

Forum: AvP Universe
Everything that makes up the worlds of Aliens, Marines and Predators.
Topic: RP: Gladiators Moon... Contents may be graphic and over 18 in nature...
Total Posts: 279

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"shut up ooman! I'm trying to watch whats going on in the pit."

a guy sitting next to me just turns and says, "but I'm not making any noise miss?"

I turn and say, "I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to the voice in my head."

I remain watching the match as this amnesia guy just throws his knives and swords. "He really needs to practice his aim" I muttered, when I just see him fly up into the direction of the crowd accross. "what, its over! That guy was lucky. Well since the match is over time to go back to hotel and get some more money. We are going on a little hunting trip."

Upon arriving at the room door, a small business card is on the door reading:

--------Hanz Heinrich: Neighborhood Watch: Handles any domestic disturbances for low price.-----------
Then in the fine print at the bottom is inscribed:
--------"Is also seeking female that is single and NOT a heavy drinker. Call 20-321-2199."----------------

"This guy has a lot of guts for doing that. I guess I'll give a call. I haven't gone out on a date for a while."

"but I thought we were going on a hunting trip"

"Shut up ooman were going out on a date."

Rank: 0
Posts: 369

Tam-gotchi, or Tam, (what most people called her) walked down the ramp of her ship and halfway down the walkway before turning around facing the small vessle and pressing a button on the GP controller in her right hand. There was a quick beep from the controller then the loud hydrolic whine from the ramp lifting itself up followed by a loud snap as it locked.
The ship itself was a piece of junk but it was the contents inside she was worried about. She had alot of goodies in their thiefs could fetch for a pretty penny.
Then she pocketed the GP in it's specially made pouch on her belt and turned around walking to the docking bay doors and into the building that would eventually lead her out into the large city of Karakorum. Slowly scanning her surroundings looking over the few people walking by on their own business, some shooting a few curious glances toward her towering bulky form as they went by.
Their wasn't any need for looking around every corner but had gotten to be a habit after being chased by so many police officials and bounty hunters for so long. Hopefully none were going to track her down here, here is where she wanted to rest, to gamble and drink, and even participate in the ring as well as part of the crowd. Yes, this time was in a sense, vacation.

Rank: 8
Posts: 392

Roaring in rage, of the fleeing human, that he had helped escape. His blood lust was up, and the sane part of him had to fight the urge to follow up those blades.
He looked into the rafters, and saw a cloaked figure. A booming voice came out of the darkness, "You and me Slash."
He stood on his hind legs and a blood curdling screaming howl came from his froth covered maw. He looked right at the newcomer. Brought his arm and hand up, pointing at the figure, he flipped his wrist and palm to face his own muzzle, and two fingers waggled a Come Here sign. An unmistakable sign of acceptance and said "Bring it on!!"

The crowd turned, silenced from the turn of events, the future type death metal musice blasted from the speakers. As one the crowd looked up into the rafters and saw a man, remove a cloak, and set down a stick with something on it.
They cheered, they ran to the bookies to set up new bets. And Slash loosened his shoulder muscles, scratched an itch on his neck and then drew a line in the sand.
Not many people saw that, but one did, and he turned to watch.
Slash was happy, for the first time he was fighting for the love of the sport. Not forced to do it, and not grubbing around in low level pits because Dan wanted to remain incognito. This is where he loved to fight, and where he deserved to be.
If only he could wrest control away from Dan again. Then he could kill the humans, and make them truly fear him.
The dark figure landed on the sand, and he stood, a towering 7 feet tall, lean, but deadly looking.

Rank: 0
Posts: 369

Tam stood at the entrance of the hotel looking up.
The thing had to be a good twenty-three levels.
Squinting her eyes and grunted from her mask that only covered her tusks leaving her eyes exposed when a stabbing pain ran up her right shoulder. Pulling off her duffle bag with her other hand and rubbed the hurting shoulder while she moved it in a circular motion. Feeling the bone had stiffened and slowly moved her arm backwards until a crack was heard. She grunted again then looked to the arm at the half healed wound running from her elbow straight to her shoulder.
That had gotten there about two weeks ago when she got in a squabble with a client that had some grudge or vendetta against her and tried to kill her. After a quick argue, a bout, then a fight. The client ended up dead and her the long gash.
Throwing the strap back over her shoulder, laid her left hand on her Samurai sword strapped to her belt keeping it from swinging and bouncing on her leg and walked inside. Once walking inside just about everyone who had already been looking in her direction or walking by shot their own glances at her.
She was indeed big for a humanoid but what probably caught their stare was her yautja attire. She was decked out in full battle gear, no shoulder plasma caster and the larger mask that covered her entire face was in her bag. She just didn't feel like lugging around two bags; A large one for her gear and a smaller for her lounging attire. A metal pack also hung from two straps across her left shoulder that held her battery pack and air tank specially equipped to fit both her masks when she wasn't wearing her armor.
Anxiously walking up to the desk clerk, signed in paying a weeks worth in credits for a sweet then was handed the keycard for her room marked "S-12" on the top floor and started walking for the elevators but was halted by a little bell hop boy, only the boy was really a full grown man.
"Can I help you with your luggage, sir?" The man said rather cheerfully with a slight bow.
That had angered her and caused a low animal like growl.
The man hearing the growl and the sharp glint in her blazing yellow eyes as they narrowed on him had quickly given him the hint that he had upsetted her and left quickly without another word.
Sir! she thought, making her way to the elevator and pressed a button then waited. What gave him the idea I was a male?
The doors opened with a ding and a pool of little people came flooding out then she stepped in and turned around pressing her level on the panel and looked ahead.
Some people had started walking toward the elevator she was occupying, some had even started in a run, but all stopped when seeing the giant that was standing inside.
Cracking her mandibles in a smile as the doors closed.
It was rough being a yautja and trying to survive in a place not fitted for one as herself. But other times it was grand.

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Posts: 130

Still standing outside the room I continued to argue with the voice.

"We can't go on a date, what are we gonna wear? you're not thinking on going in you hunting armor are you?"

"Well, what do you want me to wear? A dress? I'll look ridiculus."

"Yes, wear a dress."

"No, I will not"

"Well, how about a skirt?"

"A skirt?! Are you insane.! Its the same thing as a dress. I will not wear your crazy ooman outfit ideas. "

"Well, why don't you ask that fellow yautja for a suggestion?" quickly looking at the tall female yautja that was just steping out of the elevators.

"Fine I'll ask her, but you'll see that your dress/skirt idea is crazy."

Walking slowly I aproach the female yautja and speak to her, " Sorry to bother you fellow huntress, but I need your opinion. you see the voice in my head is telling me to wear a dress or a skirt to a date. I told her she's crazy. what should I wear?"

Standing there I wait for an answer...

Pulp Writer
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Posts: 140

Bryce walked gracefully down a busy market street in Karakorum, she was new here

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Posts: 369

After what seemed like forever of waiting in the small box called an elevator, the doors finally opened and she walked out.
Even having to wait yet longer when people started walking in and out, though more then half of them just stood in her massive wake and stared at her as the doors closed. Some though were brave enough to stand beside her for a few seconds.
Reading the keycard and looked around at the doors seeing she wasn't even near her room and started walking until a little voice stopped her.
"Sorry to bother you fellow huntress," said the voice making her look down, "but I need your opinion. you see the voice in my head is telling me to wear a dress or a skirt to a date. I told her she's crazy. what should I wear?"
What did she just say? Tam asked herself looking the little one up and down. A voice in her head told her to wear a dress? she thought for a moment. "Well . . ." thinking a few more seconds for the right words, possible something that wouldn't hurt this one's brain. "I wouldn't choose a dress or skirt, but would still go for something a little flaunting since you, uhhhh . . . you two are uhhh going on-on a date." Tehn, she waited for this one's reply.
Part of her wanted to get to her room as soon as possible and relax, but the other wanted to wait and see what she would do. Her reaction.

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Posts: 130

"flaunting? like what? All I have is my hunting armor which means I will have to shoping anyways. May I ask for any suggestion? you see, this is my first date since um, five decades ago." I say in a sort of nervous tone. "I'm desprate. I'm 81 years of age and no one seems to like me. I'm sorry for bothering you with all my problems. I guess I'll just leave you alone"

I apologize and turn around and head to my room...

Rank: 0
Posts: 658

Kore walked back the way he came. He saw his card was no longer there and some lights were on that were off before. Kore took a small gulp, and knocked on the door.

"Anybody there? I would like to introduce myself..." Kore said

Kore felt anxiety, he always gets this way when meeting new people in person.

Kore thought to himself "Watch it be your luck this is a yautja female just SO happens to want to go out on a date with you...that would be something wouldn't it?

Kore waited until there was a response. He was thumbing a couple of coins in his jacket pocket in waiting. He could hear his heart rate.

Rank: 0
Posts: 130

Inside the room I am still arguing with the voice about what to wear.

"I told to wear a dress."

"Shut up ooman, I am not going to wear a dress! you heard what the tall yautja said, not a dress or a skirt. I'll just wear my best chest veil and loin cloth with a very minimum armor."

"well, its up to you. I'm just here for the ride."

"shut up ooman"

After trying on what was decided, a knock sounded on the door. Geting a bit nervous I walk toward the door. I open the door and watch as a handsome ooman male waits for me.

"Hello Mr. Heinrich. My name is Ki' cti Nain-de, but you can call me Ki' Nain. come on in, I've been waiting for you..."

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Posts: 658

Kore stepped inside her room, looking around he told her what he always tells the people he at first meets.

"Why thank you...anyways, I'm Hanz Heinrich, as you already know, but my job here has been takeing care of problems; jealous boyfriends, angry people, annoying neighbors, etc. I take care of em for you...." Kore took stopped and changed subject.

"You've been waiting for me?" Kore pondered. "I guess you must have read the WHOLE card then, I guess you even found the fine print..."

Kore smiled to himself, this was indeed something extraordinary...and pretty cool. Kore scratched his buzzed blonde hair chuckling.

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Responding with a smile, " We have read the fine print indeed Mr. Heinrich, and I am interested in your offer. Afterall, I don't drink much. I'll go out on a date with you any time and I mean anytime."

Rank: 0
Posts: 658

"Dang, talk about good luck..." Kore thought to himself smiling.

He looked down at his current clothes." Well dang, I'm already dressed, you caught me at a great time, how bout we go now if you want?" Kore said with a smile on his smooth shaved face.

One question arose from Kore, "I'm sorry for noticing, but you keep saying "we", is there something I should know. It ok if you don't feel alright telling me." Kore said encourageing

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Posts: 130

"I see why not, lets go. Take me to you favorite place, I don't mind. And about the we thing uh...well, Its a voice I hear In my head sometimes. Hope you don't mind." I responded as we walked out the door...

Rank: 8
Posts: 181

I walked into the bar Mr. Smith, or Slash, or whoever the hell it was (a split personality, or just a secretive kind of person?) had told me to go to. I strode up to the desk like I owned the place, and said, "Hi, I'm Dex, and I'm a friend of Mr. Smith."

The bartender replied, "Ah, ok, you'll be fine here. Go ahead and take a seat. Do you want anything to drink? I've got pop, even some juice."

"I want a cold beer" I stated calmly, dreading what I knew the bartender was about to do.

"You're too young for beer. What, are you like 12 or something. I'll let you in here, but you can't drink."

"I'm an adult, give me a beer." At least, I think I'm an adult. I don't really know.

"You can have a little alcohol, but I'm not putting much in your drinks." The man said flatly. "Oh, fine" I replied.

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"That's no prob. with me babe." Kore smiled
Kore took her hand and led her to one nightclub. The atmosphere was how you would expect a stereotypical nightclub to be, music, dark in some areas, lights and a dance floor. Kore led her to his usual corner where he relaxes, the two sat down.
"So tell me Ki'Nain, what is it you do? I have another job, but the information of it is very sensitive. I must say though, you are quite a good sight for all males to behold." While saying that, Kore signaled a waiter with one finger.
"Yeah, I'll have one of the usual please...." Kore looks and smiles at his new date, "Do you want anything? I know you don't drink much, neither do I, but it is my treat."

Pulp Writer
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Posts: 140

Bryce knew what she had to do...

If she wanted to find the Brodders, she would have to think like a Brodders...Beer...Women...BAR.

She smiled...

"Well, it shouldn't be to hard to find a Bar around here." She said to herself.

Glancing around, she spotted a Neon Bar Sign...

It read: " Cheap beer, cheap women"

"Sounds like the place." Said Bryce, walking over to the entrance...

She entered the bar, it smelt of Beer, and Cheap Women...

Bryce began the task of finding a accomplice...

Rank: 8
Posts: 392

Down from the rafters a tall, blond, muscular man seemed to fall, and then before hitting the ground he did a flip and landed on his feet.
He wore a black t-shirt, black pants and black boots. He stretched his neck and a pop was heard. He looked at Slash and said, "Lets give em a good show!"
Slash looked at him, and shifted, his eyes never leaving the man's. His now cat slit pupils narrowed and he again gave the "bring it on" sign.
Zakaliss rushed him and buried his fist in the Panthers gut,allowing his hind paws to fly with the punch Slash the grabbed Zakaliss's head and pushed him using Zakaliss's own momentum to push him past his own flying legs and onto the sand.
He turned to follow up, and found Zakaliss standing, a light coating of sand on his clothes.
They traded punches and Slash got in a good claw rake on his arm, but he paid for it with a clump of his fur missing.
A bell was sounded and a booming voice was heard, " Round one. There will be a 5 minute intermission. And we will see if they want to continue."
Slash turned his back on the human and went to an open door. An automated serving unit came out with a bucket of water and a tray of food. Slash ate and drank, then ducked his head into the bucket.
That momentary lapse allowed Zakaliss to rush over and hold the cat like being's head in the bucket.
Feeling the vice like grip of the human on his head, and not being able to breathe, Slash shifted again, this time to the panther four legged form. As he ducked and twisted, using the elacticty that comes from being a cat. He grabbed the pail of water and swung it at Zakalisses head with a mighty whomp! It smacked him next to the ear. Zakaliss chewed for a moment and spit out a little blood. It sizzled on the sand, unoticed. The crowd returned to find the two combantants standing accross from each other, grinning like idiots, each picking up the bucket and whaling on the other, different approaches, and hitting different areas. Not bothering to duck, just seeing which could take the most blows.
After the referee calling for another break, it had been two 15 minute rounds, and neither one seemed tired.
At that point they two decided, in unspoken terms to have a foot race. They ran around and around, the Lupine, shifting to its four legged wolf form. At times the human would get a head, then the wolfen would zoom out in front.
And then finally they ended in the middle. The wolfen in his four legged form, seemed to smile, his tongue hanging out, looking for all the world like a big dog. Zakaliss barely winded by the whole thing seemed content to lie on the sand for a moment. He then felt sand being kicked on him and looked to see Slash trying to do just that.
The announcer, not knowing what to say, pretty much gave up.
Zakaliss got up and shook out the sand from his clothes and hair. He then looked at Slash who was sitting looking at him, panting.
With that the wolfen trotted to a side door that opened and went into the room, the panel closed and Zakaliss looked to see three men come out onto the sands.
"Uh , sir? Uh. if you will come this way, you can collect your portion of the winnings from the fight. Alot of people bet on you. So I think you took in about a 100 thou. Slash always gets more, but thats cause no one usually lives when he is done with them."
Zakaliss smiled, a secret smile, and got a pouch full of money, cred sticks, jewels and other things. He made his way back to the rafters and collected his things.

Rank: 0
Posts: 369

She had finally made it to her room. Sliding the card through the lock and waited until it beeped then opened it.
Tam-gotchi was greeeted to a large living room. A big cloth cushioned coach that loked as if it could comfortable hold three female yautja sat roughly twelve feet away and two steps down in front of her. After that was a long coffee table, a big screen plasma tv and a wall sized window moving to the corers of the room, its curtain's pulled back letting in the light.
Walking in closing and locking the door then down the steps to the couch and threw her bags over letting them fall. Looking to her right and seen the kitchen so she walked to it. Walking in and looked around.
There were some cabinets, a sink under them, a microwave on the counter, a toaster, electric stove and a refrigerator to her right seven feet in length.
Opening the fridge seeing nothing was in it and then walked through the rest of the sweet to the other side. Coming to the bedroom and was surprised at how big the bed was.
This was a sweet specially fitted for large ebings such as herself.
Looking to her left at a closed door and walked to and opening it. It was the bathroom. Turning around walking to the other end of the room and opened the door there. This one went in a big walk-in closet. Turning around walking to the ac system and turned on the heat then stripped down to her bare skin, crawled under the blankets and was just about to fall asleep until that little female came into her head.
Just what was she meaning, "the voice in my head?" And why was she asking her what she should wear, on a date? Since when did yautja go on dates anyway? There was quarting but it still wasn't nothing like a date. Tam was also wondering why another yautja was here, thought she was the only yautja to be seen like this with humans and other intelligent species. But soon the though of the little one slipped out of her head allowing her a moment to rest. She wasn't going to sleep through the night though, just a two, three hour nap, then take a shower, head out to the bars and who knows what else afterwards.

Rank: 8
Posts: 392

Taking the cage to his store house, and then returning the grav truck. Dan then got on his bike and went to find the bar.
His jaw hurt from the pounding it took from the tall guy, he hadn't had a fight like that, since before he had gotten control.

Yah, he would buy the guy a round and see if that kid made it out okay. He shook his head though, why had Slash given out his real name to the 7 foot power house? He would have to have a talk with that being..
He arrived at the bar and found the poor sap he had almost had to kill.
He walked up to him, he adjusted his sunglasses and held out his hand.
"I am the man called Mr. Smith. Most call me Dex, but it is just a fake name. Like most of this city, it hides what it really is." He turned to Hill, the bartender.
"Hill, two Garvian shots, please with a Fosters chaser for both."
The bartender looked at the younger man and then at Smith.
"He don't look old enough to be drinking, man."
"And you don't look old enough to be a grandfather! Just serve."
He led the young man, whom he called Dex to a booth and waited for their drinks.
"So you apparently have a problem. I would think that getting you a name, and some money, as well as an IDent card will do wonders for you."
"I am glad Slash didn't kill you, he used to. He didn't care who or what he killed. And he especially liked killing humans."
"So why don't you tell me what you remember, and what you don't"

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