Absolute Gamerz

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So many things have changed yet so little seend (?)

Bit of a random statement, I know.

But, the GameStory troubles are just one of the things you have seen change here over the last few weeks.

The stories are up again (for those who have been paying attention), you can now find under AbsoluteGameStory.com! (more domains on their way).

Network Backbone

We have moved servers this weekend !!! After 10 days of waiting for out new account with a different service provider to be set up, we are now on a new machine ! That's why there have been intermitten DNS errors over the last 2 days as the worldwide network has been updating itself with all the new detials.

That's not all

The move is yet not complete, there are giga bytes of info & I do need sleep (and I also work for a living, so back to it on Monday). So, check in over the next few days as things come back to life!

AbsoluteGamerz - running
AbsoluteAvP - running
AbsoluteHALO - running
AbsoluteGameStory - running

others - up, but there are errors (not fully migrated yet).

What does this mean for you?

After 4 & half years on the same machine, things have become outdated. We had no choice but to seek a new service provider.

So, I have managed to get a basic advertising deal (hence the new ads on the sites) to try and get some extra bandwith. CLICK ON THE AD TO GET YOUR SELF MORE STUFF (well, we get to buy more bandwidth for YOU).

That's right, the more we get from the ads, the more we can bring you.

I am trying to get file downloads set up for us (but only peeps click the ads!).

Post your comments on what you want to see added to our network!
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