Absolute Gamerz

Da'tou's Story!

Monday, 7th November 2005 15:05 GMT (Europe/London)
808 reads
Shows how much I've been visiting this site. For a couple of months now Chapter Seventeen: In the Arms of a Caretaker as been up for months, but I just never posted it here, until now. Hope you all enjoy the chapter. "Gr'it-in didn't answer her for a few moments, pausing like he was confused at her question when she was crying and didn't answer his question first. "You are safe Da'tou." he said, "We are in the haven of the jungle some miles from your birthplace. There is a fire here, strips of dried meat and water for you. The rest of the pack is camped not to far away for you privacy, and I was left as your caretaker. You've been unconcious for nearly three days." She closed her eyes and turned her head away from him, not wanting him to see her tears, and soon she turned to her side. Doing that had caused hot pains to shoot through various parts of her body, and sore muscles that made themselves known. But surprisingly not in much pain as she thought she would be. The physical and mental pains wrapped around her torturing her ever which and she cried out loud from it all." ~~~ And finally! After months of sitting on the shelf and collecting dust, as well as getting piled under by active files, Chapter Eighteen: You Can't Escape is here. Here's a little bit from the chapter: "Da'tou woke again, this time feeling better then her first waking so had decided to sit. Doing so she found some muscles were still sore as well as cramped and sleeping still, possibly from her lack of movement over the past few days. They caused her to grunt and groan and wince, but she closed her eyes and focused on her center where she could remain calm and breathed in and out slowly. "Da'tou." Gr'it-in's voice suddenly called out of nowhere that made her jump slightly and snapped her head in the direction she heard his gruff voice originate from. As the warrior he was, he was wearing all his armor and weapons, ready in an instant to jump into battle. "How are you feeling?" Turning from him, she looked to the fire that was still burning hot then to the wounds that riddled her body and scowled at herself, closing her eyes, when Kere entered her mind. "This is too much damn emotion."She said inwardly. "Da'tou?" His voice questionably called this time. Then, she opened her eyes and replied in a snap. "Fine. I'm fine Gr'it-in." After that she laid down in a deep sigh and looked up to the cold blue sky. Whether it was black and speckled with blinking white stars, or blue or gray, it still showed as an endless color of blue over the fact it was cold air, just like she was becoming. Now bent on revenge against her Father, and once killing him she would be shunned by the Tribes and Villages, even Xingasa. She heard movement from her left then was followed by Gr'it-in popping his mask-covered face into her range of view." Enjoy! Blackdawn
Written by Annonymous

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