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complaints bout avp2

Forum: AvP 2 Game
Everything about the Second Game from Monolith.
Topic: complaints bout avp2
Total Posts: 16

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IMHO, this is how i feel bout avp2. compared to reg avp or gold avp2's species are very slow as far as foot speed. this is one of the few things i liked better bout avpGold, the bug was faster and harder to hit, same with the pred. hell all 3 were faster. also not that the bugs have a harder time "super jumping" in avp2 than reg the pounce is nice to have but its no comaprison for some of the skillz a good bug player would develop over time. and umm...thats all i got to say bout the bug...now on to the pred the pred is alot better but there are major drawbacks to it. for example....you cant spear jump anymore even though the leap is nice to have u just cant get the same distance u normally could with the spear jump. there is no bar on the shoulder cannon to c how much of a charg it has. the spears velocity is waaayy slow and i find it harder to jump in a fast paced situation, jumpin horizontally that is like clearing a small hole by sidestrafing and leaping at the same time. ok i think im done with that ....now its the marines turn...the one major thing i dont like about it is that u cant have more than 1 clip of ammo for a weapon except the pulse rifle pistol and shotgun. for example....4clips of 800 rounds for the minigun, 6 clips of 500 rounds for the smartgun ect,ect...and that bout wraps it up for alll my bitchin bout avp2

Rank: 9
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I think [it may be subjective] that they [Monolith]haven't managed to work out the proper distance for the various species to be in direct physical contact.

What I mean- as a Pred or Marine, the aliens seem to be out of reach [by their arm length standard]...

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Posts: 23

thats very tru demigod. id like to take this time to clear some things up. what i wrote above was probly a lil too harsh on monolith. when i was makin complaints bout avp2 i failed to mention some of the better things bout it. the lithtech 2.5 engine is awsome as far as graphics and such go, the gameplay, for the most part, was excelent. they did a great job on a story plot for all 3 species. i also noticed that they (monolith) tried to even out all 3 species, which is a good thing, but (im also judging this on the books, stories movies and avp) in truth the species are not equal, the aliens are super fast, the marines got tons of kick-ass weapons, and the preds are way up on the technological foodchain. aliens have superior numbers, cunning, and a savagry that neither the preds nor mairnes have. the mairnes have to rely on their quick reflexes and superior weaponrey, and the pres are motivaded by their need for the hunt, they are extrewamly strong, quick and they have a vast diversity of weapons from close combat to the most advanced of plasma enrgy weapons they also have the ablility to cloak and several diffrent vision modes.

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A Marine carry 4 clips of 800 rounds for a minigun...!

A marine would find it hard just to carry the minigun...but i agree with the smartgun one though

[ This message was edited by: Maci_D79 on 2001-12-05 05:12 ]

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Why not? In videogame land, anything's possible. You're basically walking tanks as it is! You're carrying gernade launchers, pistols, knives, flamethrowers, rocket launchers, health items, and tons of other stuff while RUNNING away from baddies, activating lifts, and destroying bosses for the good of humanity all at the same time! Whereas in REAL life, you'd be lucky to even carry a fire extinguisher and activate a doorlock at the same time. Yeah, in videogame land anything's possible.

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Posts: 23

thats all very tru. but this is also just my opion and id also like to make a note that im a 3 year vet of the original AvP on there u could carry up to 99 mags for each and evry gun . but i also think they wanted the game to be more realistic when they were makin it, so fewer clips of ammo or none.

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pah what are you all moaning about? I still remember beating bad guys to a pulp with the butt of my pulse rifle in the original AvP

back in my day we didnt have one, let alone 4 minigun clips..

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umm..Swiss chances are if u were down to using ur pulse rifle as a club in MP then u could kiss ur lil marine ass goodbye

yeah avp is a sci-fi game not realistic. therefor a human could carry a lot more crap then what anyone couldpossibly carry

Rank: 9
Posts: 1759

this "carryoing too much crap" on your back issue is a major thorn in the side for ALL for games.

I'm hoping they will correct that in the new IGI2.

Rank: 0
Posts: 48

I haven't played AvP b4....so i can't really comment on the changes....

but what i don't understand is....

how come the pred has such a major advantage over the marines and not the aliens?

1) clock.....aliens sees pred..marines don't

2) net gun...means nothing to aliens...

besides that, anyone got any tips on being a good alien?

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about the "problem" with carrying loads of weapons at once; games are meant to be FUN. If you really want that kind of realism for games like avp (which you definitely DONT want...), then there should be fatigue, weight limits, location-based injuries, location-based armor damage, insanely dangerous aliens, acid that drips through 7 decks, morale, the ability to set up drone/sentry guns, the ability to drive vehicles... and the list goes on...

Heck, the game/series is set in the future as well... maybe humans have developed so much, that they can run like the wind, take crushing blows, carry numerous armaments with the equivalent firepower as a group of tanks, and maybe (in the future), weapons use efficiently stored ammunition, so you only need one huge clip!

Personally, I think the game couldnt be much better...

But I admit, it would be nice to fiddle around and have a choice of how much realism you want in the game. THAT'S what games need. Include the realism options, but make it an option for the player. It's the smart thing to do... everyone can get into the game then... realism-freaks, sci-fi-freaks, and possibly more.

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yup. i know there are no realisim mods for avp ..yet. but they have tons of em for UT and i must say most of em are really good and very realistic....to an extent...

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hmmmmmm actually i liked avp1 better than avp2.... not in single player... but then again i played avp1 a lot more in multiplayer than single player..... nu really, ok avp2 is cool... great story ok balance and ok multiplayer... but avp1 is much more like te movies..... especially in multiplayer.... the alien speed, fish eye view, pred speed and ass kickin SC and the marine super weapons except the flamethrower which i don't find very usefull.... (actually the only use i found was to find cloaked preds ). And well..... the civilians.... they could screeeem much harder in avp1 ... another thing I miss in avp2 is the taunt..... And about that realism stuff... i don't think that's so bad.... i mean it would bring the game even closer to the movies which is in my opinion always good

Rank: 8
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Well Monolith would try to make the game new and diffrent so thats why (I think) they left a lot of good stuff out that was in avp1. Perhaps they thought that the people who buy the games would not like it if AvP2 and avp1 had to many things that where the same.

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One of the main complaints I find with Avp2 is the levels the storyline is all well and good but as the predator you shouldn't follow a story which wouldn't look out of place as part of the marine's campaign. The predator should be more about the hunt and more of the levels should be geared towards gaining particular trophies and stalking squads of marines through the jungles.

Rank: 8
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I haven't played the pred missions only the marine and alien missions

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