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The Never Ending Story...

Forum: AvP Universe
Everything that makes up the worlds of Aliens, Marines and Predators.
Topic: The Never Ending Story...
Total Posts: 194

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...the yautja warrior looming over him in the doorway. That was the source of the grenade. he stared up at it now, his face, yet again, turning pale. He could clearly see that the creature was around 7 feet tall, with longer braids than he had seen before on the others. It had almost full body armouring, decoratedly carved chestplate and all. He could just make out the rough outline of this one's mask from the shadows...coppery brown with spike like growths moving up the rim, and growing into two larger horns near the back of the helmet, curving down like to immense mandibles. This one looked completely badass, even though it was probably going to kill him. He hadn't noticed that he'd been holding his breath, and passed out. The Pred tilted it's head slightly, the rest of it's body still unmoving, then it spun around, with just enough time to let out a gutteral yelp as it's helmet was blown off by the slug. Standing there, with double barreled Remington loaded and ready, was Ash, chainsaw arm complete!

The Pred glanced down at his helemt, the force of the shell had dented it severely, and was not fit to longer be worn. The Pred then shifted it's gaze back at Ash, and let out a loud hiss, it's mandibles flaring in enraged fury. Ash smirked, cocked the trigger.

"Come get some you ugly bastard..."


The end of the barrel exploded in a shower of sparks and smoke.

The Pred lurched back, letting out another bellow of pain. It had taken the blow right in the chest, just about where the collar bone would be, the only part not exposed on it's chest. It gasped, then bellowed. Ash took a stance and quickly reloaded the break action boomstick. The Pred, meanwhile recomposing itself, had shot out it's wrist blades, and was waiting for just the right moment to strike.

"Allright you primitive screwhead, Im ready for ya...come and get it."

The Pred held it's baldes high, and charged, lefting off with it's feet for maximum velocity.

Ash had to time this just right, or else he'd lose a little more than his cool...

The Pred did what Ash expected it to do, at the last second, it ducked, about to thrust upward wth its blades, but Ash had already sidestepped, turned, and delivered a roundhouse to the Pred's cranium. This sent the Pred wildly out of control, doing a half backflip, and landing flat on it's back. It let out another shriek. Ash took aim, right between it's eyes, and watched the look of surprise on it's face...

"Carve this in your forehead..."

The shot rang out, seeming like miles in every direction.

The Pred fell limp, and convulsed on the floor, then lay still. Green, glowing brain matter splattered on the floor grating within the immediate vicinity. Ash blew the smoke off the stick, and placed it back in the bandolier. He then remembered the trapped guy. He rushed over, and managed to move the rather weak door out of it's lodged position. The Marine groaned, but all other activity was minimal. Ash took the man, shifting all his weight that he could muster, and heaved the guy onto his back.

"Hang on, chubs...we're gonna get you to a doctor-"

He began to trudge on, keeping a close eye on anything that appeared to move.

"Seeing a hospital pop up out of nowhere doesnt seem like such a crazy thought anymore, with whatever the hell else has been going on"...

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He kept on walking... Bob was almost dead. Will he ever find a hospital??? He has been walking all day long. He noticed a limp body on the road. What is this??? What is a girlscout with several boxes of chocolate doing out here?? Well whatever the reason she was obviously asleep. He began to ran as he noticed that bob was coughing up blood. He began to run when.........

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the last sentence should be changed to --------> He continued running when...

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...the girlscout suddenly woke up. Jumping up, she shouted to Ash as he ran off "Dammit! Why..."

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Well ash stirred up by this continued to search for a hospitol. He noticed one in the distance he started running and tripped. Then he ...

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realized it was a mirage. He grimmaced, cursed to himself and continued lugging the dead weight of the comatose marine.

"You know buddy, maybe if you cut back on the donuts, we wouldnt be in this mess..."

He managed to make it a few more feet, but then something whirred by him. He was knocked down, through the sheer velocity of the moving air, and dropped the marine. They both fell to the ground with loud thumps, dust stirring up around them. Ash then focused on what had just run past. It was one of the bugs. This one was different. This one had a smooth, shiny banana head, and it's back legs were longer, with an extra joint. It walked on all fours, and had a rather long tail, compared to the others he'd seen. The thing had stopped about 20 meters in front of them, and turned to stare them down. He could see the saliva dripping from it's silvery fangs. He reached behind his back, slowly, not even thinking about the marine, and removed the shotgun from it's holster. He checked his pockets

Out of shells

The gun wasnt loaded either

He couldnt use his chainsaw on it, cause it'd be totaled by its acid blood, plus, he'd probably die getting that close.

He then noticed the rifle slung over the Marine's shoulder. He crouched steadily, and grabbed it, pulling it off rather easily. The Marine groaned, and convulsed once. Ash kept a steady eye on the bug, which was approaching them slowly, hissing the entire way. It was taunting them. Ash then looked down at the weapon, trying to hold it with the barrel balanced on his chainsaw grip , then held it in a firing position.

"where the hell's the trigger on this da--"

He was blown back a bit by the force of the shot. The rifle jerked violently, nearly flying out of his hands, a hollow shot ringing into the distance. He didnt even have time to see the bug scream, then explode in an array of hissing blood and acidic bodily shrapnel. He watched the last few peices of whatever was left of the bug settle to a stop, the ground still bubbling wherever it's blood spattered, then settled his gaze to his new best friend.

"some sort of grenade launcher..."

Looks to the marine and salutes him.

"well buddy, looks like you finally came in handy after all, now lets haul ass."

He slung the rifle over his shoulder, and re holstered his Remington. It may be dry, but it'd make a good club. He then picked up the marine, feeling a bit of warmness back into his flesh, and began dragging him onward through the clearing. He had made it quite a ways, and was tired as hell, when he looked ahead and saw...

[ This message was edited by: Predrhone on 2001-11-07 17:57 ]

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Posts: 76

...a green blob on the horizon. As it rapidly pulled closer, he saw it was some sort of vehicle. The APC pulled up besides him and the side door opened, revealing several marines sitting inside.

"You wanna lift?" asked one.

Ash replied "Damn right" and jumped in. As they began to drive off...

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Ash notices that that in the back of the APC, there is some sort of side room. It's very small, like some sort of storage closet. Ash stands inside the unstable vehicle, as it glides over the rocky surface of the planet.

"Whaddya keep in there?"

One of the marines answers "nothing. Just extra cartridges. Nothing major, no reason to look.

Ash looks a bit sceptical

"Well, I need some extra clips for this thing, so if it's ok with you, I'll go look at the merchandise."

"Uh, Im afraid I cant allow that."

"Why? You said yourself its just extra cartridges."

"Let him look...its no big secret from him."

Ash looked to see a female marine, who had stood up and was looking at the other.

"You dont have that kind of authority here Strife. The Lieutenant would disapprove."

"The Lieutenant's dead, why cant you accept that? He's gone, I cant help it if you knew him better than any of us, but whats done is done. "

The other marine stared her down, a softness now returning to his eye.

"...all right then"

He took his position back in the seat, and locked himself back in. Ash stood while this was going on, just listening, and he smirked as the female marine lead him to the room.

"Guy's kinda commanding, aint he?"

"I guess...he just doesnt want to believe that his best friend is gone. We lost him to a group of the bugs. He could have saved himself, but...you get the idea."

"...yeah, I know that feeling."

"...it left me second in command anyway."

She held out her hand.

"Corp. Mae Strife, 9 years enlisted...and you?"

Ash shook her hand. "Name's Ash... S-Mart's houswares devision."

Strife smirked.

"I knew you didnt look military."

Ash had unclasped his chainsaw, and set it back with the others. He smiled a bit.

Strife opened the latch, and slid the door open. It made a slight clang as it locked into place.

"Well...here's our newest line of defense."

Ash's mouth was open and eyes wide before he knew what he was seeing. Inside the small room, lighted only by fixtures along the floor, was one of the bugs. This one was different. It wasn't moving, but wasn't dead either. He stepped into the room, looking back for guidance. Strife nodded. He then uncovered the grey sheath that was partially overlapping the bug's right side. He then was even more speechless. It wasnt a bug, but a machine. It had cables running along its dome, and down it's ribbed chest. It had waires and cables attached to sockets on it's forearms, and strapped to each arm was some sort of weapon. They looked almost like small cannons, probably fired energy though. He looked at it's skull, the smooth domed crest was fairly bare, except for the few cables running along its side. Then, near the fron, just above it's silvery fanged mouth, it had some sort of panel. The panel covered the entire front lobe, and had some sort of optical lens imbedded in it. He looked back at Strife.

"...how the hell...?"

"We dont know. We found it in an abandoned sector of a compound, probably the one you came from. We thought it might be of use, as we had seen it destroy a few bugs while it was online. Those two cannons on its arms are modified Z-88 pulse cannons, with energy-stream uplink. They let loose a steady plasma stream, like a laser, I guess, which cut through the bugs like butter. It moves slowly, but it took on at least 7 or 8 bugs before they managed to pull the plug on it. We still havent figured out how to get it back online, but we took it along anyway. Must've been something WY cooked up for it's bio-weapons division.

Ash walked towards her and looked right into her face.

"You mean...these things are here, because of a company?"

She spoke firm "Yes, they are. They were captured, and taken back for analysis. Along with them, according to the profile, came at least 3 dozen egg pods, and an egg-layer, whatever the hell that is. They got out of hand, evacuated, and sent us in to mop up the mess. Three other temas went in, to the other compounds, littered around this section. We haven't heard anything from them...but..."


"...my husband...he was with one of the other teams. We married just this year, met in the corps...of course, it was when we had break to visit family. Nobody else knew...and I haven't heard from him in days...everytime I look at that...machine...I think of the bugs...and what might have happened to him...I just..."

Ash could see tears in her eyes. She looked down, and wiped them away with her sleeve.

"Im sure he's fine...he was well trained, smart, had saved his comrade's ass more than a few times. Im sure he's...fine."

Ash's hard-up gaze began to drift away, and he actually felt pity for this woman. He turned, and covered the mecha-bug back up with the sheath. He slid the door closed, and noticed Strife was still standing there...staring into the matted rubber of the APC's metal floor. Her eyes were distant...as if she was thinking of nothing. She didnt even blink. Ash slowly walked around to her, and lifted her chin up.

"You gonna be all right?"

Her eye snapped back to life.

"Huh? wha? yeah, dont worry about me."

She hastily walked back to the area with them others, and sat down in her assigned seat. Ash looked back at her, at her short, reddish hair. He smiled again to himself, and strode back to the empty seat he had occupied before. He sat, and began to feel a bit drowsy. He glanced back over at Strife, her eyes had gone away again. She was staring blankly into the ceiling grating of the APC. A tear ran down her cheek, and she just wiped it away again. Ash then turned his head, to look into the small monitor on the panel next to his seat. It looked like it was monitoring something's density, but he didnt care. His eyes began to feel heavy, and he closed them. He was nearly asleep, until his eyes shot open, as he heard a few of the marines conversing.

"uh...Strife, I think you'd better look at this..."

"what is it Rivierez?

"...something's on the scanner, and the signal is huge..."

"One of ours maybe? Another transport?"

"No...much too big...and the signal Im getting isn't appearing on infa-red..."

Ash heard them coming...

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But ash knew this was different. He had heard something like this when he went back in time and had to kill off the undead army. But slightly different. The vehicle kept moving. They tried to go in reverse but it seemed as if something else was driving it. Ash heard a noise come from the small room. He looked back and noticed it was that mecha-bug. "Um i think that Mecha-Bug of yours is alive again" ash said. everyone looked back to see it alive and somehow moving the apc twords the large target. It kept getting larger the closer they got. They never saw the whole thing on the radar, and it kept getting bigger. Ash popped the top and looked out. It was some kind of city. The city was in a large dome shaped figure. As they got closer they noticed a logo on the side of the dome, it said "WY leader in bio weaponry." This bug wasnt offline, It was just idle waiting for them to drive somewhere near a relay point. Thats why the bug was offline strife thought. Thats why there was a giant pole in the ground. the wire for its power was cut, it was keeping it online. The door to the dome opened up and the company theme song started to play "wy we are the future" some kind of 1960's like song. they drove in when...

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They heard the machines in there making a very loud noise, Strife took out the ear plugs and passed them out to everyone. They drove around the corner to notice that the company president, as read on the shirt, was a...

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GIRLSCOUT!!!! Oh no!! what will we do now?? Then they...

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Looked back to see the mechanical bug thrashing around and trying to break its restraints. "We have to try and sedate it!" yelled Strife, "Sedate a MACHINE?!" replied Ash. "You have any better ideas?" asked Strife, "Yes I do," replied Ash as he took a knife out of his pocket and cut the straps holding the machanical bug down. Then he opened the main door of the APC and the bug jumped out...

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And immediatly killed the alien hiding in the shadows that was about to kill the innocent girlscout. Then...

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Walked over to the girlscout who patted it on its head... "Good mechanical bug unit 340."...

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But it then immediatly turned and fired on the girlscout which broke out of its skin. and what immerged was an Alien Queen!!!! "Ah Fuck here we go again." ash said.

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*INTRUDER DETECTED* the automated defense system turned online, *TERMINATING ALIEN THREAT.* At that moment turrets began popping up around the hanger in which they were in. A missile shot through the air, and it was heading strait towards the APC!...

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Fortunately the mecha-bug launched flares and stopped the smart missile and it blew up itself and all the other defense systems around the place because the mecha-bug sent flares at all of them. They then...

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The marines spilled out of the APC and tore into the alien queen as it ran towards them. The queen after sustaining critical wounds, the queen darted into the cooling ducts...

[ This message was edited by: Fragme on 2001-11-09 00:55 ]

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Posts: 37

Ash wondered where the origional owner was. He looked around and searched everywhere. He then heard a mumbling coming from a closet in the laundry room. He went to check it out but it was just a mouse. What the hell, why is this mouse tied up and has a piece of tape around its mouth?? he took off the tape and the mouse then thanked him and granted him 3 wishes. Ash immediatly wished that the real president would come out.

She appeared right infront of him in her girlscout uniform and all. She mumbled, because there was a sock stuck in her mouth, would you like to buy some cookies?? Ash disgusted by this wished that all girlscouts in the world would just go to someother planet. The dome and most of the world then appeared on the moon. Ash wondered how this could be possible. He then wished them back.

He proceeded to untie the girlscout and unmuffled her and immediatly said "if you ask if id like a cookie i swear to god i will KILL YOU" The girlscout scared immediatly said ok. When she explained the whole thing you could tell that she was obviously trying not to ask if hed like a cookie. She was nervous and sweating all over.

After it was all explained they went out to notice that the queen got out of the vent and was fully healed and was running after strife. "Oh no" ash thought. He looked over to notice the girlscout pull out her box of cookies and go to the alien. "Would you like a box of cookies??" the alien immediatly said "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT COOKIES!!!"

The alien ran quickly away and then flew away. Then...

[ This message was edited by: PredatorGuy on 2001-11-09 01:03 ]

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Posts: 14

"You asked about the COOKIES!!!" Ash yelled as he pulled out his gun and blew off the head of the little girlscout...

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