Absolute Gamerz

The Past Few days...

Forum: Life As It Happens
Work [slavery], men&women, books, food, life as you see it.
Topic: The Past Few days...
Total Posts: 67

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By the way....i'm just finishing a media production degree at uni so if you need ANY help getting this back on track let me know, i'd love to see a full return to glory! :)

Rank: 9
Posts: 896

Congratulations !!!

So what you doing now? Got a job? or you going to do further studies?

Rank: 0
Posts: 289

Well i finish up at uni in june, but i'm trying to start up my own independent production company. I'm specialising in interactive film, my first one is due for release in may :D How's things with you mate?

Rank: 0
Posts: 541

Wow, I can actually login now.  It's been years since I was able to login here, not to mention post.

Rank: 0
Posts: 289

Hey Cat! How's it going? Nice to see another one returning after so many years :D

Rank: 9
Posts: 896

Hey everyone

Work has been keeping busy, and my cousin got married on Saturday. It was my first of 4 weddings this year. Still 3 more stag do's to attend, including one I got to organise.

Any ideas for some good activites?

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Posts: 541

Things have been crazy for me.  I finished my PhD and graduated, then moved to a new country on a new continent whose native language I don't speak a word of with nothing but 4 suitcases.  I started as a full-time researcher in a lab in a branch of my field I have no experience in.  Things are settling down now, i have an apartment, a phone, internet, a cell phone, I am hanging out with the people in the lab a lot.  Things seem to be going pretty well except for my near total lack of furniture (I have an air mattress, a desk, and two chairs).

Rank: 9
Posts: 896

Congratulations !!!

and um... well done! It takes some seriously big balls to do that!

I am having another year of people getting married... 4 weddings & 4 stag do's this year! Best man at the end of September, so busy with preperations for that one.

I also meat my new girlfriend and one of the weddings, been together now for 3 months, so even less time now for web work :(

Paid work is frantic, loads of things are happening now, especially during the time that the French go on holiday!

Rank: 0
Posts: 69

Dear goodness, it has been a long while since I posted. Shoot, I thought this place died with Gamestory; it is great to see that there are still posts as recent as 2011. I hope everyone is doing well.

Rank: 9
Posts: 896

Im still here, almost finished the basics of the new design.

Open to suggestions on how to improve it.


I've been busy with weddings (and associated activities). At the first weeding of this year (as posted earlier), I've met my new girlffiend so been busy with joint activities.


What's been happening in your corner of the world?

Rank: 0
Posts: 69

I'm glad you're keeping the site alive, Prezes. As to suggestions on what to improve, other than fixing dead links, I can't really say much. In truth, I'm not sure what the site's focus really is; is it focused on games/entertainment in general, or is it a specific category of such? If it's the former, than maybe an expansion on the forums for more topics? Dunno, really.

Also, congratulations on meeting somebody special. Weddings really are joyous occasions.

As for me, not much's been happening, really. I've actually made it to college. Shoot, I'm actually close to graduating. That's something, I suppose.

Rank: 9
Posts: 896

Last weekend I got back from a weeks holiday with the missus, our first one together (and my only of the year L )


Just been trying to get back into the swing of things at work this week, not easy, really in need of a change of employers now. But I guess any work is better than none right now!

Rank: 0
Posts: 69

At least Christmas is just around the corner; you can certainly catch a breather then. This time of year is always difficult, at least in regards to work-related matters, as there is just so much going on in the background.

Hang in there.

Rank: 9
Posts: 896

How was Xmas???

I've spent most of December moving in with my girlfriend!!! Big move for me, never done this before ;)

I'm all set up now in her flat (still trying to sort out a decent internet connection, we live just outside of any decent broadband :x )


Rank: 0
Posts: 69

Any Christmas where one can spend time with the family is a good Christmas. I had a blast. Hopefully yours was as good or better.

Wow, moving in, huh? It must feel quite strange considering how much this must change things in your life. I'd have been terribly nervous.

Here's to hoping for the best for you two.,

Rank: 9
Posts: 896

Thing are realy good, but the internet is getting worse:(

Got an incident going, this is like having a dial-up now. But the call centre in India is telling me its my equipment... idiots... it's been going on now for 4 weeks!!!!

Rank: 0
Posts: 69

Haha, ah, dial-up, how I miss thee (not really).


Hopefully you've had it fixed now; in today's world, I think the internet has become something of a necessity.

Rank: 9
Posts: 896

It should be treated as a utility these days!

everything is now "paperless billing"; most companies will now charge you extra if you dont manage your stuff by an online account.


The best I can hope for is 6megabit/sec! It's more than enugh for most things (even gaming) as long as the connection is stable and reliabe... but it's NOT !!! :x

Things keep dropping, so no online play for at the moment. Even skyping is difficult at times.

Rank: 0
Posts: 69

Ouch. Yeah, man, I can finally relate to having internet troubles; the past few days my roommate and I had to do without it while sorting out a new program with Comcast. I'm surprised how much the net has integrated itself in my life. A little scary, really. Hopefully your problems have finally be resolved.


Also, just in case you weren't aware, the registration process for this site seems to be a little buggy. I had actually tried to re-register here awhile back as I had forgotten my password; the only reason I'm here now is because, struck by insane hope, I decided to delve through my email archives to see if I had saved my registration email.

Rank: 9
Posts: 896

At the beginning of June, I & my good lady had gone way for our first holiday together (first one when it's just the 2 of us). We got a last minute deal.

It was the Queens Jubilee that weekend, so the schools were off as well (English for schools decided to have a half term that week too). So it was nearly impossible to find anything as well as anything we could afford (prices went through the roof for that week). But we got something 6 days before departure, we spent a nice week chilling out in Corfu (a Greek island in the Mediterranean).
Work has been manic for both of us; the A350/A380/A320Neo are all keeping me busy as well as my GF has loads of clients on the go right now.

Also, for the last few months I have been working on a new design for the site, been meaning to launch it, but every time I get a second to myself, coding and graphical design are the last thing I get to do :(

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