Absolute Gamerz

"The Patna"

Forum: AvP Universe
Everything that makes up the worlds of Aliens, Marines and Predators.
Topic: "The Patna"
Total Posts: 6

Rank: 0
Posts: 2

Does anyone know where I could possible be able to get more pictures or information about the "Patna" from Alien 3? I am really interested in that ship.[IMG]null[/IMG]

Rank: 9
Posts: 1759

is that the one in which the real bishop arrives at the end??

Rank: 0
Posts: 2

yes it is

Rank: 9
Posts: 1759

Well, one of our hosated sites has some info:
Alien Encyclopedia, hosted by AbsoluteAvP

That would be a good place to start, and then lets simply wait for SM to drop by...

Rank: 0
Posts: 541

I checked there already, it just says that the ship is the same class as the Sulaco, and that the ship is really just the sulaco model with some detail on its port side.

Rank: 8
Posts: 241

I posted a picture of the Sulaco here some time ago. As mentioned it's the same model.

The only other pics I can get my mitts on are screengrabs from the VCD. Is anyone after anything in particular? It's not exactly a well documented ship. It wasn't even named in the film. But pretty much anything to do with the Sulaco is pretty well identical to the Patna.

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