Absolute Gamerz

Predator Dueling

Forum: AvP 2 Game
Everything about the Second Game from Monolith.
Topic: Predator Dueling
Total Posts: 12

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I was first introduced to predator dueling by an all pred clan called [SS]. I'm not sure if they are still around, the last time i saw the clan leader ([SS]Tragic), he said "did you hear? SS is no more" and left before i could further inquire. anyway, they had an "honorable" clan, like a predator clan, and would actualy boot someone if he interfered in a duel, or used ranged weapons when we were just using melee. If you wanted a one on one battle, you would challenge someone to a duel, state the weapons, and everybody in the server would get to a high point and watch as two preds slugged out to the death. It was great . After [SS] shut down, i kept on dueling anyone who cared, which was not many people... anyway, me and IcE made up some dueling rules, and we thought we'd post em here . So, here goes!

To do a duel the right way, you need three people, all predators of some type. Two people duel with any two weapons (usually the spear and wrist blades) and the third pred is the judge, the judge decides who "wins" even if one person is dead, and the other is alive, the living person can still "lose", because the scoring system is done by trophies for these rules. if the kill is spectacular enough, the judge taunts, and the winner takes his adversary's head. If it was a quick, boring to watch kill, then the judge doesnt taunt, and no trophy. the judge also decides the playing field, it can be anywhere on the map, as long as its big enough. once, me and ice fought a duel on the little bridge thingies on A Lesser Fate, the rule there was "if you fall off, you lose". IcE fell off. . so, the judge sets the boundary rules too.

I thinks thats everything.... If you think i missed something, dont hesitate to whine!

Rank: 0
Posts: 96

I didn't fall off
It was a.. erm.. Tactical submission... yeah that's it
Oh another thing about the rules.. If a body is obliterated and the judge decides the kill was spectacular enough then the judge will present THEIR head to the victor as a replacement

Rank: 0
Posts: 838

O.o.... er... i guess thats fair! oh, and if you accidentally take off the head (like you did on the return swipe), then you just dont get the next one that you would have. if you reach the end of the game, and havnt gotten any more, then subtract one from the skullz ^_^

Rank: 0
Posts: 96

Oh.. we're having mask loss on, right?

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Posts: 838


Corpral Hicks
Rank: 0
Posts: 497

I play a dueling game similar to that....yours sound fun.....

I may be doing a dueling Tournement for my site....

Rank: 0
Posts: 838

yours sound fun.....

OF COURSE IT DOES!!! Oh and by the way, dont go off topic, this is my dueling rules, not YOURS

Corpral Hicks
Rank: 0
Posts: 497

yeah yeah (knew that was coming)

Anyway good luck with your Duel.

Corpral Hicks
Rank: 0
Posts: 497

Future duels that is!

R'iithsss the D...
Rank: 0
Posts: 173

Wzzup Nuthouse,

Enjoyed our litll overrun game.
Would love to dual you once, or any of you're clan.
Is Ice also one of the person's i fought on the overrun server??? (small of topic question) You asked me to join you're clan. Well as a clan you must have a site, and YOU do have a site don't you? I said i'll look into it but i don't know you're clan's site name(you get the point do you?) So maybe
you'll have a new addition to you're group of trusty, loyal men.
(back on topic)
I realy think we should do a one on one dual game. Hope you accept my challange

Rank: 0
Posts: 838

Ok, here is the URL for the [RDD] web page, if you go to the join page, e-mail secretrealms, and MAKE SURE YOU PUT THE SUBJECT AS "Joining [RDD]", cause secret sometimes deletes messages from people he doesnt know!

Sure, i'll try to duel you, look for me on-line tomorrow (saturday) at 1:00 pm your time, that makes it 7:00 am mine . You can set up a fairly lag-free server, right?

Rank: 0
Posts: 96

Hehe yeah that was me R'iithsss
Was fun yeah
We're doing most duels on Sunday.. so sign on for more details

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