Absolute Gamerz

worst things that happened

Forum: AvP 2 Game
Everything about the Second Game from Monolith.
Topic: worst things that happened
Total Posts: 56

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Posts: 95

I was playing survivor just a moment ago and some people were hiding in the pipes..

ice there is a way to kill people in the pipes without using the glitch in colony, alls you do is wall walk up to where the person was and tail whip him and when he's stuned try to get a fix on his head and bit it off. works every time for me.
and on lucifers fate i found a small but very nice glitch in the map for the pipes, alls you need is a alien with pounce, go to the side of the pipe, jump on the first pipe and pounce, i donno how it worked but i use it every time and no one complains

and my worse situation is where i'm fighting someone (usually a predator thats cloaked) and i fall off of something and kill myself

Rank: 0
Posts: 96

Nice. Thanks they will come in handy
Is there a similar tactic for killing people under thr ramps on Verloc with runner? I can't get in no matter what I've tried

Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800


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huh s**** happens

Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

just when i thought things were actually going my way. oh well. ill have nice long weak break to explode somewhere else. as it may not help........ THIS SITE.

Rank: 8
Posts: 249

you might have to uninstall it and reinstall. i can't garrantee that it will work. usually when that happens it fixes it when i do it. you just have to be prepared to lose something if it doesn't work.

Rank: 0
Posts: 124

once i moulted to a queen in the level with the tunnel thing and um i was under tunnel when that happened and i got stuck and no one would kill me i didnt want to lose my kills

Rank: 0
Posts: 124

once i moulted to a queen in the level with the tunnel thing and um i was under tunnel when that happened and i got stuck and no one would kill me i didnt want to lose my kills

R'iithsss the D...
Rank: 0
Posts: 173

@ Alien Lord, New Species...

Hey mate, i still ow u an apology for the littel shit thing back there. But now Deathtammer and me made up and became friends Hope u accept my apology though.

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Posts: 838

Don't worry R'iithsss - Lordy is an excepting kinda guy (usually!)

Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

apology excepted. hey i just cant have people threating other people. chances are u guys were all joking. but now what would happen if someone actually went through with their threat then i and or this site could get in trouble for not doing anything.

Rank: 0
Posts: 95

sry man i havn't been able to figure that one out yet

Rank: 0
Posts: 838

the deal with the stairs on verloc??? easy: impossible. its a glitch, any alien can get in, but they have to crouch. since runners cannot crouch, they cant get in. even though they *SHOULD* fit in, there is no way i know of to get in.... you just have to hope that glitch comes into affect O.o (the one where the humanz are down in the stairs, but they appear STANDING on the stairs )

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Posts: 10

The worst thing that ever happened was a glitch in the game. I find that on rare occasions I will fall through the floor and eventually die. That's ok, because I am back in the game. One time I jumped through a glass ceiling and couldn't get back in. There were invisible walls around the outside of the map that I couldn't get over either (I was a runner), so I couldn't fall and die! I had to watch the other people through the glass until the next level. I could have just logged out and back in, but I was bent on figuring out how to get back in.

Rank: 0
Posts: 95

lemme guess tremor outpost 4 right? but how did u glitch the glass i use the boxes

Rank: 0
Posts: 96

Yeah I use boxes too.. Never seems to work with runner though
(btw the reason I haven't posted is that I've been on holiday )

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