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Osama's ass

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Topic: Osama's ass
Total Posts: 73

Rank: 9
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He's trying SO BADLY not become his own father that I think Freud is rolling over in his grave.....

Rank: 0
Posts: 33

wow, i dont have an opinion. I just live here

Rank: 0
Posts: 62

How can u not have opinion George W Bush is a mad hillbilly bastard whos going to destory civilisation as we know it, like big Albert said WW3 is going to fort with bow and arrows, so get use to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rank: 9
Posts: 1759

actually, from what I recall he said:

"I don't kniow about WW3, but the NEXT one will be fought with sticks and clubs"

Rank: 0
Posts: 62

same difference, actually it was sticks and bones

[ This message was edited by: Snoopafella on 2002-05-11 09:19 ]

Rank: 0
Posts: 472

well if he wants to destroy our country he first has to get past me... and i'll make sure that he, nor his army doesn't. I will personally kick them in the northsea

Rank: 0
Posts: 33

ok well then if u care so much then fuck bush

[ This message was edited by: razorback on 2002-05-11 21:24 ]

Rank: 0
Posts: 472

whoohoo..... another supporter YOUR GOIN DOWN BUSH!!

Rank: 0
Posts: 62

yeah pity he'll bring anyone with him too!!!!!!!!!

Rank: 0
Posts: 472

tssh.. i can take em all

Rank: 0
Posts: 97

Right after Bush got elected I saw a lot of flyers in Austin. Austin's full of people who've been living in the state Bush fostered in Texas; piss-poor education, pretty lame healthcare, and an execution rate that rivals most small countries'. Anyway, the flyers depicted huim making a really goofy face, as is not uncommon...and in large letters underneath, read:


My sentiments exactly.

Rank: 9
Posts: 1759


On 2002-02-08 03:22, Terrorfarmer wrote:

.... and after that we do the same with bush and the rest of the US government

let them be in peace- history shows that all "great" nations fail....

Rank: 8
Posts: 1212

Bush is a god damned idiot only HBL is dumber

"America is full of Christens that wants to kill us" damn his a idiot America only has a few real Christens and people who go to Chursh then die and burn in HELL.

Sorry about my ranting about America and Christens but its really late.

Oh and one more thing what is up with Bush he sounds almost like HBL with the talk of evil and weapons of mass destruction. Hell why can America have nukes and the rest of the world can't please explain that. If I didn't know better Bush would be busy with hate speece (Not sure those are the right words) building up anger against countries that don't want to do as he says like Cuba with the Bio weapon or Iraq with its nukes.

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Posts: 97

Personally i figure US is headed the way of the next Rome. Leaders and general populace keep getting dumber and more complacent...it's only a matter of time before a large, wasteful imperial society meets it's Visigoths and collapses.

Rank: 0
Posts: 33

that why i gotta leave

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Posts: 685

Bah ... "**Politics**"

Rank: 0
Posts: 472

Roma victor. I am maximus the saviour of Rome. I will move in with my army of 5 million men (I can't say 5000 cuz that doesn't sound very good does it ) and take back what is ours... after that i will give it back to the senate

Rank: 0
Posts: 82

I picked a terrible place to live at: Texas. Anyway, we can't overlook Saudin Hussein, kiddies. There ain't tellin' what that guy is up to either. He's just as dangerous as this new dork in town. Anyone who says otherwise is living in la-la-land. In fact, how many times have we Americans looked the other way only only to see the situation pop up again?

BTW, I voted for Gore. LOL, like that would matter, huh? As good ole' Hudson would say, "We're fuc*ed! We're screwed!"

Rank: 0
Posts: 22

Great... after that we'll just be one big family of sadistic muderers...

Rank: 8
Posts: 1212

The other day while I was watching TV they had this program about this SA prophet guy who in the time of the 'boer war' (I won't say what happened in fear that the British members of AvP2.net might hate me).

But anyway he foretold the fall of the apartheid government in SA, world war two, the rise of Nelsen Mandela, the creation of Russia and he also said something about a war that would take place where in most of Europe will stand together and fight against America and win but he also said most of England will be the destroy but America will fall if his prediction is correct.

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