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Osama's ass

Forum: AvP Universe
Everything that makes up the worlds of Aliens, Marines and Predators.
Topic: Osama's ass
Total Posts: 73

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Posts: 160

plus night... my earlier quote

some that die, deserve life, and some that live deserve death... are we the ones to give it to them?

was what gandalf said

Shadow Drone
Rank: 0
Posts: 270

Cliff that Africaans seems a lot like German. Do you know if there are any parralels between the 2

Rank: 0
Posts: 1940

yes the Africaans were the Boers and the ancestors of the boers were germans. that answer your question?

Shadow Drone
Rank: 0
Posts: 270

Yea that is fine. Does anyone know german or hebrew in here?

Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

well i did have my barmitzva. yeah if i can dig up my papers i could decifer some things for you if you needed them. i am a conversioned jew. i am really christian but i converted to jewish. that is why i think that blowing the hell out of iraq is a great idea. i dont persanally give a shit about the woman and children of iraq. HOW ABOUT THE WOMAN AND CHILDREN AND THE OLD PEOPLE OF ISREAL!!! they get blown up and killed alot. and in very dishonorable ways. but yet there are no real proteests on that. but yet the second the us does it to iraq well then everybody starts protesting. tell me the fairness in that. i will. its the money. the gas companies are intwined with the governments and so then mostly all wars are only done in the mideast if the gas companies want it to.

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Posts: 1940

i say oh f**k it i don't know what to say on the subject!! just kill them all

Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

thats the best idea i have heard so far. and it is coming from a country that isnt biest about this war like all the tight ass british french german ect ect. you know what i think we should all go down to politicalhumor.about.com it is a very funny site.

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Rank: 8
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Cliff that Africaans seems a lot like German. Do you know if there are any parralels between the 2

Well in pronouncing its pretty much the same, some people even say a Afrikaans person can learn German in less then a month. But when it comes to writing it

Shadow Drone
Rank: 0
Posts: 270

Do you guys think that Bush sending troops into Iraq is undermining the U.N.?

Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

yes. but i think it is a good thing. the UN is just a bunch of old farts who cant do anything but not repay there debts to the US. we have saved a shit load of countries from wars and other things. and this is the thanks we get. hahhahahhah. no thank you.

Rank: 0
Posts: 1940

actually the United Nations treaty is one of the better things that ever happen to my country!! NZ is a peaceful place, except for when i am in a bad mood!!! anyway the UN treaty is what keeps NZ safe from the monkeys and germans and shit heads like that.

Shadow Drone
Rank: 0
Posts: 270

Yea the alqueda people are training for underwater tactics to blow up boats and stuff.

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