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AvP2 versus Half-Life

Forum: AvP 2 Game
Everything about the Second Game from Monolith.
Topic: AvP2 versus Half-Life
Total Posts: 42

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Posts: 472

I didn't like half life because of the universe.... not because of the game.... Half life was revolutionary that is something that i must say... I liked doom, duke nukem and the rest better but half life was also revolutionary..

And btw Cenurion7... why is everyone crazy who doesn't like rtcw... i mean.. i think it's pretty good... but i also know that not everyone agrees with this... many would say that MOHAA or UT or whatever is way better

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Posts: 677

I'm going to ignore Swiss's post on the grounds that he seems to be generally nasty and thus not worth listening to.

Cliff has a good point, HL seems to go on and on, which is why I found it so mind-numbingly boring to play-- and no amount of ground-breaking AI can stop that, only good game design, which it's a shame HL didn't have more of. Also correct about the storyline, there really isn't much there, you just get some ragged pieces of information that are supposed to constitute a story, which is pretty much just an excuse to introduce new environments and baddies, and only a little better than the "storyline" of Aliens vs Predator. And Valve new all along they were making a ground-breaking story-based game, in my opinion they only achieved one part of this-- the "ground-breaking" part. Despite having all that time to work on a story, in the end it seemed somewhat cobbled together. It scores points because it actually immerses you in this plot, no matter how weak it may be. And because it wasn't fun to play (the novelty of the technicians' animated faces wears off after the first few hours of blank tunnels) the word "game" of "ground-breaking story-based game" doesn't really get merit either.

As for Cenuri0n7... I played a bit of the RTCW single-player demo and quit with the impression that it was probably the worst game I'd ever played. No fun whatsoever. Only good point was the high-detail skins. Just my personal opinion, but there it is.

Half-Life in itself was revolutionary, as Terrorfarmer said, but compare which of the two is actually fun to play, and you'll come to your answer of which is the better game. And it doesn't include mods!!

(by the way my dislike of RTCW isn't because of the Nazi stuff, I also played the MoH:AA demo and I reckon it's probably the best I've ever played)

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