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Tell me more about Space Jockeys

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Everything about the First Game from Rebellion.
Topic: Tell me more about Space Jockeys
Total Posts: 16

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Posts: 45

Yep, tell me more about them!

How do they walk? How do they talk? And tell me about how harmful they are or how they treat humans in the comics.

I don't really read the EXPANDED UNIVERSE stuff...


Rank: 6
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I'm pretty sure they were in a war with the humans in one comic/novel - maybe it was a scrapped film proposal, I'm not sure, I don't like the ideas people have come up with for the Space Jockeys. They all sound rediculous. People make them too 'human'.

We don't see legs, so why do they HAVE to walk? It isn't a trunk because it is attached to the chest, so why do the trunks sway when they walk? Grrrrr!

Like all aliens, the less we know, the better IMHO

LOL!, In one of the comics, they were dressed in PJ's I think - hehehehehe!

Rank: 9
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I've always imagined them to be another form of biomachanical or cybernetic life, that differ in appearance according to what their function is. The pilot for example, does nothing but fly the ship so that's where it/he/she stays, while a guard or soldier (if they exist) might be highly mobile with weapons built into it. Just a theory...

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Was the weird alien thing with a trunk in the Steve Perry Aliens books (Female War etc) supposed to be a jockey?

Rank: 9
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yeah- U mean the guy in the pijamas with the ray gun that zapped the aliens, right??

the only one we really DO know about is the one from "Alien" in the Derelict.

Some call them The Pilots, The Navigators, The Jockeys....

[ This message was edited by: the_demigod on 2002-04-26 13:48 ]

Rank: 8
Posts: 1212

So AlecAssant as far as I can see you will have to be more specific about your question do you want to know about the movie J and a few theories or do you want to know about the comic Js.

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Actually I want to know more about the Jockeys in the movies.

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We know they travel in enormous horseshoe-shaped spaceships.

All we saw of the jockey physically was a very vague fossilized skeleton sitting in some sort of chair-- either a telescope or some variety of weapon. Judging from what we saw, I'd say the jockey was about 4-5 metres high. The design of the interior of the spaceship does actually vaguely resemble the way aliens design their hives-- perhaps this is the Link that proves that the bugs are artificial afterall?

We know jockeys definitely communicated by sound, the signal they sent out from their derelict ship was in audio format, although the tones are extremely alien, as you'd expect. Other than that, we know bugger all about them.

Anyone else care to add to that?

Rank: 8
Posts: 1212

Well guess Yawn covered most of what we know about the movie Jockeys (I saw the movie a really long time ago so I don't remember a lot). I believe that Ridley Scott had a few theories about the Js something about the J ship being a transport ship (guess what they where transporting) but one of it cargo killed the pilot. There was also that other theory about all the eggs in the lower part of the ship being the original crew of the ship and I even once read (I think it could haave been here) that the Js and Aliens lived happily together on their planet but because the one Alien in Alien came out of a human it was turned. I think the last theory was supported by the original idea that the alien would have talked at the end.

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if you think about the eggs being the original crew, that would mean that the "Dallas" scene where he's being turned INTO an egg is more valid...

Rank: 0
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Wait, I read the cut scene about Dallas, but the alien can turn humans into eggs???

Then what happens after they're turned? A face hugger appears?

Rank: 8
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Well after they removed the Pyramid from Alien they used the lover deck full of eggs thing those eggs where suppose to be the ships original crew but they cut the Dallas scene to make the alien life cycle more secretive and with the introduction of the queen in Aliens the 'alien turns people into egg' thing was almost completely destroyed.

Rank: 8
Posts: 241

The key word is "almost". The lifecycles from the deleted scene and Cameron's film can be easily combined if one is open minded enough.

Human (Brett) becomes egg.

Egg hatches.

Facehugger bares Queen embryo form host (Dallas).

Queen is born and lays lots more eggs, much quicker.

This way if the Queen is killed and only normal Aliens are left, the species can still propogate assuming there are still viable hosts.

Anyway to Jockies...

We really know nothing, other than they have some sort of relationship with the Alien, and have a translatable language (taking deleted scenes into account).

We don't know what the Jockey in the chair was doing. We don't know if they're bipedal, or they indeed "grew out of the chair". We don't know what a Jockey ship normally looks like. The way it's all bent up may have been caused in the crash - if it ever flew in the first place and wasn't some sort of ground base. Their architecture has vaguely Alien tone to it but it's MUCH more symmetrical, the the chaos of an Alien hive.

Rank: 9
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lets complicate the issue even more- we CANNOT assume that all the JHopckeys look like the Pilot- he could have been purpose bred for the role, hell he could have even been purpose bred for the VERY SHIP [which would mean that is each ship is individual in looks, features, abilities so would the Pilots]

Rank: 0
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Wow that's a good idea!! If they were in fact the ones who engineered the xenomorphs, maybe the creature found in the chair was in fact a purpose-built lifeform which was actually built into the chair, with the sole purpose of flying the ship?? Opens up a lot of possibilities..

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any decent scifi concept will aim to show that above a certain social/technological development boundary a species gains control over its genetics and is therefore able to create new features, discard old/unwanted ones and generally become more SPECIALISED.

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