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Why primal hunt stinks

Forum: AvP 2 Game
Everything about the Second Game from Monolith.
Topic: Why primal hunt stinks
Total Posts: 24

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This is just my opinion, but i think primal hunt sucks!! (im back after a week of hard drive failure! compaq sucks... i won't even piss on it after this, the customer support is in india for gosh sake!) well, back to the subject, here's a list of why i think it stinks

A.) the aliens A.I has gotten worse, i even thought avp2 alien ai was a lil sloppy, this is real bad!

b.) the new creatures seem tacky, out of place even.

c.) it's so repetative, most of the fear factor is gone coz they done the same thing over and over!

d.) those darn worms don't seem to freaking die!!

e.) the chamelion critters are so ez to see... it was so sad.

f.) the alien first level is so freaking hard! i mean i beat the game and everything, but one mistake and i lost! this one pred was miles away from his buds and i lost!!

the only thing good about the single player is the story... now for what's bad about the multiplayer

A.) The preds cloak is like a beacon when he moves! why cloak?

b.) when u stand near a motion-less cloaked pred... he is VERY easy to see (much easier then avp2 that is)

c.) the dual pistol is a waste, pulse rifle is way better, adn the new motion tracker is only good if the thing is standing right on your head!

d.) the preds self destruct is way underpowered, a remote bomb is better.. and u dont lose points for it

e.) the turrets are overpowered, ive spent a game hiding while the marines loaded the place with em!! and they lock on even if u dont move!

f.) the aliens are underpowered, oh the predalien got headbite, whoopdy doo, not like he needs it that badly.

g.) ancient pred is just a nice looking normal class predator... with very slight differences

h.) did i mention there are only 8 servers most of the time?

overall, if ur gonna play avp2.. do not go primal hunt... if u haven't bought primal hunt yet, don't bother, go buy nolf with that money, or buy some gum.. either one is much better

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It was way too short. The ancilliary creatures were a waste of bytes. The makers decided to forego the scare factor and just sling aliens at you in any old number. Aliens often just plopped out of nowhere, ie; a non-existant hole in the ceiling. I had a section where aliens were in front of me and then some behind. So I laid prox mines behind me on second go through. Killed front aliens and rear ones spawned in mid air after my mines and just jumped me. Pretty poor show, even an alien can't damn well teleport itself.

But, that said, I still enjoyed it, just not as much as I could have.


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yah.. i forgot to mention that. the scare factor was reduced by seeing aliens spawn in front of me

Rank: 0
Posts: 28

Ok, Black Mail Part I
I started playing in AvP2 PH as Predator (my favourite hero! ).
The Hunt (or something)
Whoose ChicagoBulls is very funny, especially than you jump on something and this bull will run to the wall. Thoose monkeys are good to, but they are too sleepy. It was a good idea, but thoose worms... I like to play with tham, but they are unkilleable! yaink! (there is my Neo?)
Fine, after I had found this artefact, everything comes un...um.......im.......i dont know such words on EN. First:
why does all Preds cant stay in fight with 3 Aliens? and: how could hugger jump on preds mask and it will immidionatly drop off. Anyway, I was FROZEN! How could this thing jump on me? After I was awoken, I found near 5 dead huggers around me. Than: preddy must be so stupid, that didnt figure out what has happent (mask was somethere there and dead hugg was in the same derection).
Than i was following Dynya (i forgot how to write her name correct) i jumped somethere above, there all facehuggers was scared and run away.
I do not like the ending of preds life. Dishonouring.
It is great that I can take this machingun with and place it enythere i want. But this gun is so stupid! It didnt fire then its nessesary! The thing i dont like, is this huge amount of runners upstairs ( i mean in flora).
I remember I get to that APC with only 1% of live. !
The Ending i dont really understood (at first i thought that i got demo version). My friends told that Dimitri gona die, but i see that he will survive.
Here comes Predalien.
It was something! At first i dont even know there to go! so much preds!
Ye, it was a game there I dont even understood what a hell i was doing in this pod 5. Just like a cocroach in the kitchen.

In the PH i still got a Q.
If pred was infected, then why does all Aliens want to kill him?

But, we must know, that many people was working hard on this game and we must to say thakx for that.
(I want AVP3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I need to calm down my nervs on DeuS Ex.

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Posts: 24

About the preds cloaking. When I first saw a pred running from me, I thought mabye the Geforce4' had some never discovered glitch, but it just happens thats the way it is. They look like fruity protestors testing there " animal safe clothing" But heres eomting poeple don't think about, when the pred is standing still, it looks like how it was in the movies !!! In my opinion, the preds shouls always look like the pred standing still in PH still it is the most accurate, not completly inviisble like in avp2. In the movies, even when the preds were still, were they see thorugh ? HELL NO!! You could at least see an outline, just like PH, and hen they do move ( in both versions) they look like cheap polygons and bubblesoap All I'm saying is, they need to go more movie realistic instead of wasting time adjusting the game for the wankers, mabye in avp23 they'll get it right

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Posts: 8

Yes i truly agree, PH does suck and have alot of errors.
The aliens look alot sloppy so yes your right, But i can't belive it, the other day i played AVP 1 and the Aliens look a hello of alot better and die alot better, now it is shit!. Ya the first mission of the Aliens was freaking hard i eventually had to use cheats so ya that could reduce the difficulty on that level.
But when they make AVP3 (if they do) they better make it propely.

Rank: 9
Posts: 1759

we ARE looking for people to do us a section for AvP2PH, so if you guys have opinions on it and HAVE played it......................................................................

Rank: 0
Posts: 28

We can do it

Rank: 7
Posts: 20

I was disappointed with it. It was very inconsistent, the cutscenes were terrible, the levels (except for Dunya's final level) and the skins were pretty bad. The indiginous life was pretty disappointing, in that there were only three different creatures! The AI for them was the worst, I felt; all the did (the bulls) was stand in place until you're close enough to it (I would have liked to see it grazing, or something to give the game a little depth!). The chameleon enemies were pretty cool, watching them shift colors into their normal form. I really liked the worms though, they were the most impressive part of the game I thought. The Jockey stuff sucked, the Artifact sucked, the flechette sucked... I was really disappointed, and hope none of the weapons or concepts in AvP2H return in the third game.

Rank: 9
Posts: 1759

We can do it

OK--we need everything--walthroughs, weapons and species characterisitcs, tips&tricks, images, etc.

Rank: 0
Posts: 28

I got image library (1GB) on Primal hunt. Just need to find this CD
I 'll find something more

Rank: 9
Posts: 1759

OK--I've created a new gallery section over at AbsoluteAvP--ONLY for Primal Hunt Pics.


U can upload pics here:

Just do the following:
- upload jpg or gif pics
- keep their size SMALL [so you edit them in photoshop or something]. No more than 30k per pic!!!
- keep their size to 640by480--no point doing them any bigger.

NOTE--I have also created a separate gallery category for AvP [first game] pics, so if you liked the Reebellion game:
will need your input.

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Posts: 28

Well, it a big problem for me to do such small pics. I dont know what happent with my Photo Shop, but after instaling Jedi Outcast II i got a huge problems.
But i'll try to do something with it.
Also preparing a Black Mail part II from Nautilus about AvP PH.
By the way, who need a Predator font on Windows?

Rank: 9
Posts: 1759

800by640 or 800by600 would be MAX sizewise......

Anyway--if you can't do it, we COULD try to arrange some other "solution"

Rank: 0
Posts: 28

OK, i'll try
You want belive me! but i just find funny storyes on ru net about AvP !!! need to translate them

Rank: 0
Posts: 35

hay ill take that pred font 4 windows , ne way back to primal hunt, wen i brought it i looked @ the box & i thourgh wot a gr8 game then i nervously installed it to my computer but as soon as i brought y make the energy fechettewen u can use the wristmissiles i was pissed of wen i was playin & the aliens appeared from no where. 1 plus thou i got a 100 skulls on 1 level wot a haullage. but apart from that it sucked
marines now have the upper hand. even the last cut screen i saw the predator .
the marines are ass holes who jus set up loads of turrets the only chance u got is if aliens & preds join up but in 1 million year ill neva do it. I was very disipointed. duyna looked like a bitch from the red lights district god i cud go on & on 1 more thing there where 2 many preatorieans i thourgh preatroieans only pretected the queen 2 many of them. i was pissed wen the cloak looked like i found the end of the rainbow instead of playin i looked for my pot of gold ne way ill leave it there

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OK, just give me your email and i'll send you this font

Rank: 8
Posts: 1212

Well I don't have AvP2 PH I rather decided to by The Thing the last time I was in the shops (and had the money to buy a game) so I guess I can't give my opinion but it would appear that it sucked big time.
Anyway it would appear that Q-ball is new here so welcome Q-ball

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Posts: 28

I havent played The Thing yet, but i have it, just need to finish Jedi Outcast II

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Posts: 35

thnx cliff my email is mike_w_5@hotmail.com

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