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Patch Ideas

Forum: AvP Game
Everything about the First Game from Rebellion.
Topic: Patch Ideas
Total Posts: 59

Rank: 8
Posts: 1136

Yes - making our food TASTIER would be great - more flavour in Marines and Preds please! *drools* That's an improvement for other species. I only ever play as the Alien, so most changes that I can think of are for Aliens.

Another good change for us... getting rid of auto-targeting - hey, why not go the whole hog and get rid of human and pred weapons! Weyhey, restaurant's open!

On a more sane note - yes, acid spit would be great

Chris B
Rank: 0
Posts: 11

if he changed to a regular name, hed be easier to kick wouldnt he? and slof how bout some improvements for species OTHER than aliens.

Chris B
Rank: 0
Posts: 11

if he changed to a regular name, hed be easier to kick wouldnt he? and slof how bout some improvements for species OTHER than aliens.

What i meant was if his name is "

Rank: 0
Posts: 24

hey slofy, ya know if they made this movie realistic aliens could be taken apart by a nail in a baseball bat ( i live in L.A )

Rank: 0
Posts: 24

Oh one more thing, AlienSlof, I just finished reading all of your storys on your side ( including Different Taste ) and might I say you have one HELL of an imagination!!

Rank: 0
Posts: 338

Aliens kill all??? Thats funny, I've never seen that.

My idea is, make marines a bit slower, and the preds faster, so it is more movie accurate.

Rank: 8
Posts: 1212

Well acid spit with some limitations like only close distance would be cool and would give aliens too much of a advantage. They can also try to make the game slightly more realistic (or as realistic as you can get with a game that plays of in the future and involves two extra alien species along with high-tech humans) just a few changes to speed would be good.

Rank: 0
Posts: 472

TADAAA! Mesa back!

Anyway, i think that Primal Hunt pretty much sucked and didn't bring enough new stuff and the singleplayer was uttrely boring.

I missed the acid spit definetly and the alien is still too slow.
So what should be in the patch? Acid spit, better alien speed and i want BOTS

Rank: 0
Posts: 2

How about some sort of sprint for the marines? I mean, in reality, A marine cant get going pretty fast if hes had the Sh** scared outta him. PLus, in some of the books, aliens are almost completely bulletproof. not that they should be in this game. Just maybe making the pred's pistol use more energy and fire slower, let the admin ban certain weapons and/or characters..... does anyone know where i can find a list of all the admin controls? I'd like to be able to change exo and molt kills, but im not sure how...tahnx

Shadow Drone
Rank: 0
Posts: 270

I think that the game would be much better if the preds were faster and the marines were slower likw someone else mentioned. Also the acid spit for aliens would be awesome. Yout could make little acid pools so that marines running by get pretty badly injured before you attack. Also if the preds get a new weapon like a type of laser wrist band that would be on the same piece of equipment as the wrist blades. that would be awesome.

Rank: 0
Posts: 418

A great marine enhancement would be to make the time between firing the pulse rifle then the grenades shorter, or why dont you have both fire at the same time?
For predators the netgun should be quicker, and the decloak shouldnt happen with the shoulder cannon.
As for aliens, well, more speed would be greater. Also instead of removing the entire head when headbiting, why dont you just leave a puncture mark in the skull.

Shadow Drone
Rank: 0
Posts: 270

I think that if they were to make it so that there was more of a hive based mind set for the aliens in a large scale game then that would be awesome to have all them be in sync with eachother.

Rank: 0
Posts: 327

What if u made it so Aliens could pick stuff up and throw it?

Rank: 0
Posts: 1940

What like the SP queen fights in AvP 1?

Rank: 0
Posts: 677

Frankly AvP2 could never be fixed with a simple patch, although I agree with Chris B, AvP2 really should at least get some kind of fix to cut out some of these exploits and the ease with which hackers can make aimbots for this game.

However in a sequel (the only real way of fixing this game), the most-needs-to-be-changed part of multiplayer has to be the balance and distinction between the species. In the original game every character had extremely distinct advantages and disadvantages, which Monolith didn't seem to realise when making their game.
For example, in AvP1 Preds start the game with everything they need but they rely on field charge pickups (as opposed to marines who start with a pulse rifle and spend most of the game looking for pickups, but when they do find those pickups, they have access to some uber-powerful mid-range weapons). Also every Pred weapon is highly specialised so it was a good idea for it to start the game with all weapons. In AvP2 the Pred became more like a marine with more homing weapons and a cloaking device: the weapons are far less specialised, more general-use. In an attempt to balance this out, Preds were then made to rely just as much on pickups as Marines, thus taking away one of the advantages that made the Pred so distinct. That's just one of the ways AvP2's multiplayer was screwed up, I could mention plenty more species distinctions that were messed up.

And then there's the homing weapons! And the sniper rifle! Don't get me started on those, but let's just say that Marines are supposed to excel at mid-range combat while PREDS are the ones who are meant to do the (literally) cloak-and-dagger snipey stuff. Silly 'Lith.

Kinda getting the feeling I'm taking this thread slightly off-topic into bitch territory, so I'll stop now...

Rank: 8
Posts: 1136

Another thing I'd like to see either in a patch or a new game, is some way to prevent people 'burst-raping' - standing over a host waiting for the chestie to pop out then wasting the helpless chestie before it has time to escape. This to me ranks down there with spawn-killing, it is just a way of getting cheap frags at the expense of the alien player - let's face it, there's not much you can do to defend yourself when you're that small! Maybe something like making the chestburster invulnerable for a few seconds to allow it to make a run for cover without just getting blown away.

Losing the large number of auto-targetting weapons that the marines and preds use would also be beneficial - to me these are the same as using an aimbot. At least for multiplayer games anyway - it's bloody difficult trying to prevail against auto-targetting guns, and there's no aiming skill required to use them. On private servers run by players for their friends, this is less of a problem as they lay down rules of conduct, but on a public server, anything goes, so aliens just end up getting raped, even a skilled alien is gonna suffer.

Rank: 0
Posts: 677

Roger that, although in my opinion the whole lifecycle game option needs to be revamped. But this isn't the place to get into that and I have an idea I've made a big long post about that before somewhere

As for the autoaiming guns, the problem with them is that Monolith designed AvP2's arsenal for single-player; multiplayer was just thrown in to try and extend the game's lifespan. Thus the smartgun and rocket launcher play the way the do because they're satisfying to use rather than to use in a balanced way, and the plasmacaster was made for mowing down hordes of bugs rather than near-mid-range takedowns as the weapon was originally designed for.

However by the time we get AvP3, hopefully the developer (which, let's face it, will unfortunately probably be Monolith again) will have realised that most people who pick up an AvP game want to show off their eating/beheading/surviving skills to people on the other side of the 'net and will finally include a good, balanced multiplayer.

Good to see you btw Sloff, was wondering where you'd got to

Rank: 8
Posts: 1136

I went AWOL briefly while all the fighting burned itself out! Nice to see you back also m8

Rank: 0
Posts: 1176

In the multiplayer game there should be a game type that has bases in it like aliens has a hive and a queen to controll it. Humans should have a base where corps have abc and other veciles dont forget dropship. And predators should all sow have a base where they preaper to hunat aliens or humans. There is plenty more of that but not right now. And the map that should bee extremly large about miles long. And there should bee other creatures like those that where in Primal hunt. And there some times rains of meteors. It would bee like days and nights not that long as in real life but about 1h or so. I know my spelling sucks like hell.

Shadow Drone
Rank: 0
Posts: 270

I think that it would be awesome if there was a game style where we could begin as a facehugger and face rape someone or something. Then hatch out and run and hide somewhere. Then after growing up you can hunt in the different maps. Also growing in agility power and importance. Also pretty much the same way with the preds growing up hunting small prey then becoming part of a large clan. To me that just seems that it would be pretty cool.

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