Absolute Gamerz

Stagger fire, curse or blessing?

Forum: AvP 2 Game
Everything about the Second Game from Monolith.
Topic: Stagger fire, curse or blessing?
Total Posts: 43

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Why do people complain about grenades, rockets, plasmacasters, disks, etc., when they are all weapons that are legitimate parts of the game? I have always played runner because I like the challenge of trying to defeat opponents who are a lot stronger than me. Just about anything is a one-shot kill when you are a runner, while you have to paw at them, sometimes a lot for a kill. If a predator is using plasma? Wait for him to run out and recharge. If a predator is using a disk? (my personal favorite!) Dodge it. Marine with a minigun? Stalk 'em. Grenade "whore"? They won't last forever. Sure, it's not as fun to play against somebody who camps over a grenade box, but if all the kills were easy, how fun would that be? Spider grenades are my favorite because I am fairly adept at dodging them now, and that is fairly challenging, especially if you are trying to get the marine at the same time. What irks me a little is the guy with the rocket who does the "Kevorkian dodge" when I attack by shooting the ground. We both die, but he gets a frag out of it (although that makes it challenging because you have to kill him fast. lol

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tremor the point is its not part of the game, its a bug that got through the testers, also i was *trying* to refear to pred vs human hunts, human vs human survivor, pred vs human survivor. not aliens man

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Posts: 96

I have always played runner because I like the challenge of trying to defeat opponents who are a lot stronger than me. Just about anything is a one-shot kill when you are a runner

Runner isn't weak.. why do people keep saying that?
Runner's pounce takes away next to all, if not all, a player's health away and it stuns them for an easy kill. And if people are killing you in one shot then it's a headshot.. That can happen to all races/classes =/

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