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what is the best species

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Topic: what is the best species
Total Posts: 121

Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

Alien Yautja Allied Assult!!!

From the darkness they come. Two tall and muscular silowetes. with a swoosh of air vs metal three blades form from the silowetes. a cowering marine is covered by the shadows. before the blades sluaghter him he looks at the once buetiful medow. only all that it is now is a blood bath of bodies all over. then he knows now more!!!
just a little teaser for a part in story me and mark are in the process of writing write now. hope you like it. or if you didnt well then i hope that you look more closly at the shadows in your bedroom when you go to sleep. beware for you maybe the next victim of the Aliens Yautja Allied Assult!!!

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Posts: 1940

HOORAAAA!! now that is a teaser!! sounds very reasuring!!!

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Posts: 677

Smooth-crested xenos, the Pred from the first movie, the Blob and human females are the best species. Ever. Can anyone find the common link and guess why?

Rank: 8
Posts: 1212

Can anyone find the common link and guess why?

Smooth-crested xenos, the Pred from the first movie, the Blob and human females mmm I'm sure there must be some sort of link but I just can't see it, why me.

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Posts: 1940

THE BLOB!!?!!?! that was the most pathetic movie i have ever seen!!! and i must disgree with you about the human females, they are on the list but just further down!! a female Yautja would be on my list before any of them!!! OOOHHHHH YEEEEHHH!!
and where the hell have you been YAWNALOT?!!?

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Posts: 677

*grins* alright I'll give it away, the common link is that they're all DAMN sexy. There's something about conscious lumps of jelly with an urge to consuuuume that just does it for me. And I like to pretend the Pred in the first movie was female, cos it was so much better looking than all the others =P What can I say, I'm a sucker for eye candy.

I've been at college =P I kind of gave up on AvP a while ago when I realised that AvP2 wasn't worth playing for another minute and AvP1 was starting to age...... plus there was the fact that I couldn't seem to get back into my account here, and that I started playing Jedi Knight 2 & UT2003..... nice to see ya remember me though, cheers

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Posts: 1940

Na its just that your name isn't easy to forget!! sort of a unique one!! Jedi Knight 2 is pretty good huh? i liked jedi outcast better though. and UT2K3 ain't that good its alright but i like UT 2 better!!!

Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

of course people liek us remember you. you were here when i just started looking at this site. hell i think you even played on one of my servers. glad that your back yawn.

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Posts: 1940

yes as lordy says its good to bring the old back to teach the new!! only in certain sircumstances though!

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Posts: 76

you're all wrong, Dragons are the best...but then again I suppose I'm a little bias :/


Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

yes now back on topic. (we are all to ignore the post right above this one) i think that the other best specie in the world is ants. i know that this sounds weird. so let me explain. ants are as much like xenos as i have found any other insects to be. they are black mostly as a species. ofcourse there are the red. but then again in aliens genocide there was a type of "red" aliens. ants are super strong. they work in a team. i just really like ants and xenos.

Rank: 0
Posts: 76

So wait, what happened to you being nice and stuff?
Oh and wait again, you're saying to ignore my post on a thread that's topic is clearly a matter of personal opinion and preferance...uh oh AL, I think I'm just gonna have to go and throw this in your face on every post you got on to me for trashing other's opinions...this wont be a preaty sight at all...


Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

what happened to me beign nice. hmmmm well i would have thought your superior intellegence would tell you that one. basically any member would share my view besides daggle. but to save us all the time that it would take for somebody else to explain it to you here it goes. you called me stupid and ignorant. im nether one. im sick of your two's superior attitude that you both have towards me and alot of other people. how you say that we should change to be able to be your friends. hahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahah. you were also very rude in your post above. saying that were all wrong. now if i didnt know that on this site that you have ether no sense of humor or a sick one then i would have just thought that you were trying to make a joke. but i do know that you have ether no sense of humor or that you have a very sick one i take offense to you saying that were all wrong in our oppinions. so there you go. throw this in my face. BRING IT ON!

Rank: 0
Posts: 76

All too easy...

basically any member would share my view besides daggle.

Slof didnt, Anise didnt, AQ didnt, I dont...as a matter of fact, i dont think there are a lot of people who like seeing you drag this site through the mud at all.

you called me stupid and ignorant. im nether one.

Oh I find that very hard to believe...plus you have bad spelling, and a quick temper to boot.

im sick of your two's superior attitude that you both have towards me and alot of other people. how you say that we should change to be able to be your friends. hahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahah. you were also very rude in your post above. saying that were all wrong

And when did I say I wanted to be your friend? And when did I say that anyone besides you, whatshisface, and Acid are ignorant for your bias and unsupported opinions that you throw into other peoples' faces and then follow up by hostily attacking them when they disagree. Sounds preaty ignorant to me...
Oh, and I suppose the 'post above' was rude to you..because i just so clearly points you out as a hypocrit..wow, go figure.

now if i didnt know that on this site that you have ether no sense of humor or a sick one then i would have just thought that you were trying to make a joke. but i do know that you have ether no sense of humor or that you have a very sick one i take offense to you saying that were all wrong in our oppinions.

Ok, here's the bad spelling and grammar issue again, If I can only make out about 10% of your horid writing then its kind of a one sided insult, which tends to defeat the purpose of making it... go open word, type it there, make the changes and then I'll respond properly.

so there you go. throw this in my face. BRING IT ON!

Alright here I go! Oh wait no...I just did that...ok never mind then...

Yours Truely,

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Posts: 677

Ugh, cut it out you two!! The most-recent-list has recently been flooded with you guys taking shots at each other, and regardless of who's at fault it's not really very interesting for anyone else.

So I recommend you save whatever the hell's going on between you for IRC and use the forum for what it's meant for: bitching in the DOOM 3! thread in Game Talk ;P

Rank: 0
Posts: 76

LoL Sir Yawn your wisdom never fails! Good call, good call.

However I do find it rather amusing, but if I start to annoy people by my constantly bashing AL and whatshisface, then I will certianly stop. (lol, Al and whatshisface, please *dont* respond to this saying I am, cause I'm just gonna thrash you more for it, kthx)


to = dont ---- D: my bad

Rank: 0
Posts: 327

Ah hem btw slof did not leave, anyways I too do not c y ALNS Marc daggle and *sigh* now RedDragon have to all b at each other all the time, ignore what the other says and dont post on their topics if you dont like it, start your own "Toss sh*t at one another" topic 4 all I care, just quit trashing other ppls topics.

And now back to THIS topic, your right ALNS Ants are pretty cool I mean- *squish* Oops
jeez thats almost as bad as the lemmings

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Posts: 76

Well now, If you would read up you'd notice that I was on topic untill AL decided it would be nice to insult me...now I really dont see how he's justified for going off topic and I'm not, hmmmmm....nope, dont think I care too much either, I'll respond to whatever is thrown at me. Dont want to throw anything? well ok then, we're on good terms at that point

BTW - I am merely trashing the Trasher of Topics, yes the Capitan of Hypocracy himself...AL! (like I care enough to write out the full name, bleh) and lets not forget his cohorts! Beware evil do'ers, for I shall trash you as you have trashed yourselves! ahahahahaha!

...ahem...right so anyways...what was I doing? Oh yes, It looks like I'm trashing another topic...well, better get back to it!


Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

ooooooook. bring it. OT: i think that velica raptors are the coolest. they are smart, deadly, fast, and just look cool.

Rank: 0
Posts: 1940

They are dangerous buggers huh?! man if they were still alive i would train one as a pet!! i don't know how but i would figure it out!!

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