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what is the best species

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Topic: what is the best species
Total Posts: 121

Crazy Alien Lord
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yeah. ever since i saw jurasic park i have loved them. they would make great attack pets. that is if u could get them to be loyal and everything to you.

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If anybody set a velocaraptor on me I would probably just kick it and it run away squeeling. They're not that bad once you find out how big they really are (I heard as paleontologist once reffering to them as "ankle-biters"):

Now a utahraptor would freak me out if I saw it face to face, they are like velocaraptors just bigger (much bigger):

Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

nice to see that we can all finally get back onto a topic and enjoy it. n1 cat.
now i heard some were that there was a huge type of raptor discovered. i mean huge. like the size of the TREX in jurassic park. anybody else hear about that.

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Alright, Dragons are just far cooler than either dinosaurs or Aliens In my honest opinion, I mean, they breath fire and have scales like freakin armor...AND they live forever, and they fly...how much cooler can you get??


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Posts: 1940

Alright, Dragons are just far cooler than either dinosaurs or Aliens In my honest opinion, I mean, they breath fire and have scales like freakin armor...AND they live forever, and they fly...how much cooler can you get??


Yeh i suppose your right in a way!! talking about dragons, you should go into AvP universe art or i think it maybe Free for all and have a look at Slofs dragons!! they crack me up!!
Cat: i think that if one of those little buggers jumped at you you wouldn't have time to kick at it!!! I remember watching some 5 hour documentery on Dino's a while back and it showed how fast those little shits really were!!

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Posts: 541

Skar'ku_Mar'kel-ja: "little" being the operative word

AL: yeah, that is probably the utahraptor in the second scale drawing. It is really big, but not quite T-Rex scale. However, it probably would stand a pretty good chance against a T-Rex.

Dragons are pretty cool. I'm a bit more a gryphon guy myself, but not for any particular reason. What particular type of dragon do you like?

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Posts: 287

since we seem to be talking about mythical creatures now, id say my favorite would have to be the BALROG

Rank: 0
Posts: 76

The Red kind you ninny!

ooooooook. bring it.

Nah, I was only saying if you decided to stay off topic and continue to be insulting, but you arent! So neither am I, for I shall stay true to my word


Rank: 0
Posts: 1940

Yeh mythical creatures? i liked dragons, but my most favourite would have to be the Manticore!! they look cool!!

Rank: 0
Posts: 541

Yeh mythical creatures? i liked dragons, but my most favourite would have to be the Manticore!! they look cool!!

And dangerous as *&%$ too.

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Posts: 76

LoL, manticore, the mind flayers. Yeah, those dudes just love to eat brains, just like Xenomorphs, wow, go figure...


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Posts: 1940

Hell YEH!!!
Manti's are dangerous mothers!! and yeh they are alot like xenos. in the fact that they like to eat brains of course. that where their similarities stop though!!
Yeh i am a MASSIVE Yautja nut! but i also love xenos. thats why i have an Icon pic of a xeno and the Name of The greatest Skar'ku ever born!!

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Heh, bust out the Dungeons and Dragons monster manual, cause I think I'm gonna have to start looking some of these things up!

-Chaos beast (off the top of my head, too lazy to actually go get the manual) Nasty mofo because they constantly change shapes to anything, and I mena ANYTHING, hundred headed monster with 400 eyes and massive tenticles, etc (let your imagination work here) and if they so much as touch you, you melt and become a chaos beast yourself...whao, that just sucks.



Rank: 0
Posts: 1940

Heh, bust out the Dungeons and Dragons monster manual, cause I think I'm gonna have to start looking some of these things up!

-Chaos beast (off the top of my head, too lazy to actually go get the manual) Nasty mofo because they constantly change shapes to anything, and I mena ANYTHING, hundred headed monster with 400 eyes and massive tenticles, etc (let your imagination work here) and if they so much as touch you, you melt and become a chaos beast yourself...whao, that just sucks.



Sounds nasty!! ever played the game umm shit hold on i will look!! MAGIC AND MAYHEM? its old school but it was a good game in its day!! any way the best creature on there was THE CHAMPION OF LAW!! and his rival, THE CHAMPION OD CHAOS!!
They were the bad asses from Nam!!

Rank: 0
Posts: 76

LoL, never heard of it but it sounds preaty interesting


Rank: 0
Posts: 1940

LoL, never heard of it but it sounds preaty interesting


OH IT WAS!! it was a very long game though!! it took me close to a week to complete the thing!!!

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Posts: 287

Balrogs were 3 stories tall, with huge bat wings, giant bull horns, thick black scales covering their entire body, a firey mane running down the length of their back. In its left hand it holds a large sword made of ash and molten rock, and in its right is a long wip made of fire with 7+ long thongs at its tip. Although... they dont sound/look nearly as badassed as a Chaos Beast though

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Man they sound like bad ass mothers!! i wouldn't loike to meet one of them in a dark ally!! (would they fit!!??)

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I just posted a few pics of a Balrog in the Free 4 all section on AbsoluteAvP, check'em out when u get the chance

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Posts: 124

the rapter your talking about is called megarapter

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