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the evolution of a queen

Forum: AvP 2 Game
Everything about the Second Game from Monolith.
Topic: the evolution of a queen
Total Posts: 98

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am i a what killer? what the hell is a wanton? is it a asian? if it is well i ain't no killer of asians tho i would like to rid our country of them. they copme into our country and take everything over. the is this grocery store in my city that has had this old guy6 owning it for like 15 years. it was awesome as. cheapest beer around. now there are a bunch of asians owning it. they are making a killing because thety have a bout 30 asains working for them.
and about the world slowly being clean again. its tro late the damage is done. did you know that if for some reason every one in the world stopped using ozone destroing chemicals that it wouldn't have any effect for 30 years? by then most of the humans would have bred themselves out.

Rank: 6
Posts: 265

Sorry, but ROFL

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I just wasted my time, didn't I.

It's a sad fact of life that damage is only discovered when the technolgy for detecting that damage comes about. So many things that have been thought safe have, decades later, been found to cause harm. It's not like the damage is deliberate. Sure, the ozone layer will take time to repair but it will happen. Better than blasting it to extinction then going 'Oops!'

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Posts: 1940

Sorry, but ROFL

hahaha arn't we the funny one. i thought all you mods were serious. obvioulsy there is always one.

and anise your right i have over reacted lets get back on topic shall we?

Rank: 6
Posts: 265

I'm not a mod. And me and Anise were on about the same thing, so you can get pissed off with her as much as you are with me if you have to

It's a shame you can't understand what poeple say

Rank: 0
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Damn right im as thick as pig shit

Rank: 6
Posts: 265

Sorry about that, I suppose it came across a bit harsh, but it's getting a bit repetitive going over the same things from the same people. It was a 'heat of the moment' type thing

OT: How can anything so designed for killing every and anything be anything other than artificial. Biomechs are biological and mechanical, and from what little I know about life and nature, nature can't build anything mechanical...

Rank: 0
Posts: 1940

Na sweet as man take the piss out of me some more!

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Actually, this popped into my head last night, the aliens can't be biomechanical. Bear with me and I'll explain why. IF you take the films as absolute then Alien Res killed the biomech idea stone dead. Fortunately for us, the film is based on an impossibility. When they cloned Ripley, the chestie was also cloned. But if the aliens were biomech then the chestie would have been incomplete and dead because DNA is a wholly organic thing. It won't grow metal or machine parts.
Now, as it happens, Res can be conviently dismissed as the premise it's based on is bad, but that's a whole new line of reasoning. A lot of science-fiction relies on the fact that most people don't even know the first principles of science.

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How can anything so designed for killing every and anything be anything other than artificial.

many creatures on our own world do basically that, so why is it so far fetched?

army ants just go marching through the forest, killing everything in their path. they are gathering food, you say. but doesnt that involve killing other things? yeah, but they're only little, you reply. so? they kill creatures 10 times theyre size, easy. now imagine these army ants, only human size, bigger if you want. what would they do? exactly the same, only the path they would use would basically involve the whole world. think about it. are they out to destroy life as we know it? no. if they were big enough, would they be able to? hell yes. are THEY constructs? nope.

aliens are not just over-sized army ants, but for my comparison, it works.

how the hell would a machine, even if it was only part machine, grow and develop from something as small and simple as a chestie, to something as huge and complex as the queen, with an advanced brain and psychic abilities?

as for the *we are destroying the world* crap, we are not. that is just a bunch of arrogant human sh*t-spouting. we are not destroying the world. just making it uninhabitable to US. we are but a blink of an eye in the universe. you know what the most dangerous gas in the air in the age of the dinosaurs was? oxygen. now, almost all life on this planet depends on it. life evolved. after we "destroy the planet" and die out, a new life-form will rise to be the dominant species of the planet. heh, doom and gloom and a pretty little dandelion

Rank: 0
Posts: 1940

o2? it can;t have been o2 the dinos need ed it to breath

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Posts: 166

I realise we're getting off topic but statistically a topic moves off topic at the 10th to 12 th post. They evolve, if you like.

It's a recognised fact that the only way the human race can survive into the way distant future is to move out into space. Colonise new planets. Whether that's using slow-boats or the fabled and magical hyper-space isn't here nor there, really. Although unsure of the time scale all life on Earth could be gone in as little as a few thousand years to a million or so. I wish I could remember which end of the scale it is but I can't. This extinction will happen long before our sun decides to give up the ghost.

We currently live in a band of solar heat that is temperate to us. But, sceintists have come to the realisation that this band is moving. As the sun ages it gets hotter. This takes millions of years, obviously. As this band moves out into the solar system the Earth will pass out of the temperate regions and into hotter and hotter regions. By this reckoning, Mars will at some point exist in a temperate zone and be habitable to man. As the band moves on out Mars will start to get hotter and the next planet in line will be in the temperate band. The Earth will be a simple cinder floating in space. Now, one of the reasons scientists don't know the time scale is because they don't know how wide the band is or how far we are into it. But we've been in it a few hundred million years and it's sort of, finger in the air, reckoned that we are at the back end of it.

So, at the end of the day, the Earth is going to get smoked one way or the other. Let's just hope it's a natural end and not one that we, as humans, have hastened ourselves toward.

Mind you, there's a threat that's even closer that may see the end of us. That's the declining active sperm count in the male. It's said, by doctors, that if the current rate of decline continues then in 50 years time all men could be sterile. That is also the end of the human race.

So, what's the upshot? We can bite the bullet any number of ways. Sterility, asteroid, frying pan, Xenomorph invasion, Predator tourism... ok, maybe not the last two, but (cue Twilight Zone) who knows, who really knows. Wasn't it Carl Sagen that said "If we don't get visited by aliens and we go out into space, we might just find that we are the first to go out there and that we will be the visitors to other races." Something like that. All food for thought.

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Posts: 211

lol, ive always wondered about that. with all the movies/stories/games, no-one ever thought of the fact that we might end up bing the abductors/invadors, or the ones who land in some poor farmers backyard and scare the sh!t out of him. heh, kinda puts a whole different spin on things, dont it?

Rank: 0
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i would like it to be the xeno infestation or the preds, preds can partially understand english. (aprently) so i would unite with them. i could help them on their way to greatness!!!!

Rank: 0
Posts: 166

That is... disturbing. Please, lie down on the couch and tell Dr. Anise all about it.

Rank: 0
Posts: 1940

Ok here goes:
preds have always taken me by fancy as have xenos. but theres something bout preds that just gives me the old warm and fuzzy feeling. you get my meaning?
any way if the preds came to earth i would help them out if i could.
think of it. my name would be know to every pred far and wide!! i would have females lining up out side my door!!! don't take this seriously oh and i am not high its just me!!!

Rank: 8
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Well ain't all of this off topic and of course I'm just going ot help it along

Anyway nothing is eternal human will die out all things have to die for something else to live. Get ride of the old and make way for the new so to speak. But it is debatable how and when humans will die out.
So is it true all males would be sterile in 50 years I don't want to be sterile when I'm 66 years old

Anyway I'm not sure if anyone else said this but what makes everyone thing that aliens inevitable kill? Who knows perhaps the other animals on the aliens homeworld had adapted to their live cycle and is able to survive it.

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i don;t know if anyone said it but i think it is the smartest thing anyone has said about the xenos. honest man it puts lots more into persepctive.

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I Think That The Xenos Were Created As A Weapon Of Sorts. But Something Went Wrong And They Outnumbered Whatever Race Created Them. Which Then Sent Ripley To The Space Jockeys Ship. Since There Was Alien Eggs On There That Must Mean There Was/Is A Queen On The Ship. Or The Alien They Encountered In The First Was Most Likely Molting To A Queen But Was Being Disturbed So Had To Stop To Take Care Of The Threat. And About The Aliens Home Planet Watch The Second Movie. That Is Most Likely There Home Planet. The Reason Is 57 Years After The First Ripley Finds This Planet, Which Means They Had Suitable Time To Grow. So That Is My Theory. Feel Free To Flame Me.

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Why do you use all capitols???

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