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The dating game

Forum: AvP Universe
Everything that makes up the worlds of Aliens, Marines and Predators.
Topic: The dating game
Total Posts: 224

Crazy Alien Lord
Rank: 8
Posts: 1800

i can sympathize with u. i got a step brother and a half brother myself. i see them about 2 times a month so the step brother uses those times to annoy me to the fullest extent he can.
what ever u do. do not try and just ignore everything they do. ull turn out like me or worse. and thats not a very good thing...

Razortech Xeno ...
Rank: 0
Posts: 349

I'm continueing.

R'agna decides to "share" the room with them, why should he care about what the passengers think. Before they can can get "setled" a mirien busts into the room and screams, "We got to get out of here, now move!!" They all run out and they run for there shuttle, they don't even know whats going on, R'agna stopes and thinks, what am I running for, I should be standing ready to fight what ever is attacking us. Just as he decides to stay the marien gets tackled by some blue blur and disapers without a trace. R'agna looks at where the guy was standing then around for any sighn of him, nothing anywhere. Victoria yells from the shutte, "Get over here!" She waves a pistol in the air. R'agna runs over, he may want honnor but what good is it if your alone. He gets abourd and they fly out of the docking bay, they see a large ship close to the one they where on, it looks like it's in alot better shape to.

So they can:

A) go to the new ship and ask for help, if the new ship isn't hostile.

B) fly around in space untill someone finds them.

I may add more but I'm crushed for time.

Rank: 0
Posts: 369

Victoria seated herself at the controls, R'agna standing behind her, both eyeing the ship.
"What is going on?" He asked roughly.
"I don't know." Was her reply, "I'm just as confused as you are."
He looked over the ship's bulky exterior. Was it hostile? Leaning in close to her right ear. "I wouldn't try hailing them."
Victoria looked up to him, "Are you suggesting we should just drift blindly through space then?"
"To put it short, yes."
Doing as R'agna suggested she slipped passed the two ships unnoticed and drifted through space.
Hours had gone by, the two meanwhile sifted throughs ideas on what to do next until R'agna laid his hand over Victoria's. He done it to comfort her but soon their fingers were rubbing the other's hand which lead to other rubbings of the sort on parts of their bodies until a loud beeping interrupted them.
Victoria jumping to her feet running to the controls but didn't read them when she looked out the window, obvious at why they were going off.
The same ship as before was right over them. They were trying to bring them in!
A rumble shook through the small shuttle making the two sway on their, there was a knock followed by a loud bang then a vibrating noise coming from the hatch.
The two watching as a red line began to show that formed into a circle . . .

What happens next:
A. They're met by friendlies.
B. Met by hostiles.
C. Victoria shoots no matter who it is.

Razortech Xeno ...
Rank: 0
Posts: 349

The ship's intereor is covered in what lookes like weeds, and noone is in the docking bay, R'agna lookes out the window and see's only the weeds, nop other doors except the one there ship came in. He walks to the shuttles door and goes to push the un-lock button, but before he does T'khay grabes his hand. "No, get you're weapons, this isn't a friendly ship, these weed things could be a life form that can attack us, you have to think before doing things." He looks at her with a frown, "Whats that sopposed to mean, you think I do things without thinking?" "You where about to." "No, I was just un-locking it" He replies with an even biger frown. "You're lieing." A voice says in both there heads. they both look around and R'agna realizes who it is. Thinalissss walkes out of the shadows and they see a burn mark on her chest. "You're lucky thet shot didn't kill me, I wouldn't be herre to save you the trouble of getting your self into a larg fight." Victoria comes up behind her and puts the pistol she had befor to her head. R'agna walks up to her and grabes her by the throt. "What kind of trouble you bitch!" "It wasn't my idea to take Victoria and T'khay, so don't hurt me, and the creatures on this ship are evil, I can sense it, they intend to kill you and any thing that gets in there way." "Why, what are they after." "Me." "Why you? You're just a drone?" T'khay asks, confused. "I have something they want." She lets out a hiss and puts her hand on R'agna's arm. "What is it, I'll let go if you tell me." "I'm a weapon that they want to use against every race." "So you are wht they want, not something you have. Why didn't you just say that in the first place." Victoria asks and pushes on her head with the pistol. R'agna lets go and she takes a deep breth. "Victoria, you can put the gun down." T'khay says. She continues with, "what are these things anyway, we need to know what they look like." "No you don't, there not the most plesant thing to look at." Victoria walks to the door and looks out. "You mean that." She points out a creature walking to the shuttle. They all look out the window and Thinalissss jumps into the shadows. "Don't let it see me, he'll try to get in the ship." They look at her and back at the thing, it's about 7 feet tal and reptilian except it dosn't look like it can hide it's razor sharp teeth. It walks on an angular path to the ship and stopes looking sideways at the docking bay doors. Thinalissss tells them to stay quiet, and that it can't see through glass to well. R'agna sneeks off to the armory, actualy it's just a closet that T'khay converted into an armory. He returns in full armour with a staff in his left hand. "Let me out, I'm going to kill it. I feel like killing something thats a perfect chalenge and he seems to be the one." "You don't want to fight that thing."

He can:

Fight the thing

Take the aliens advice and not fight the thing

or he can look for another way to kill it without geting out of the ship.

OK this is important for anyone who does the next part, The creatur has three eyes and is male, it can spit poison and control the weeds to catch anyone it wants. Strange but it's just something I cam up with, also its a graybrown, and if you want to add a female one it's dark blue.

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